Thread By @Prince_Fynnz - Common ways men damage their sperm witho.. (2025)

Common ways men damage their sperm without knowing. How to know your sperm is damaged and how to avoid it.The thread 👇

Thread By @Prince_Fynnz - Common ways men damage their sperm witho.. (1)

Thread By @Prince_Fynnz - Common ways men damage their sperm witho.. (2)

Thread By @Prince_Fynnz - Common ways men damage their sperm witho.. (3)

Thread By @Prince_Fynnz - Common ways men damage their sperm witho.. (4)

how to know your sperm is damaged.● it is watery.● your sperm is yellow in colour. ● you can't impregnate a woman.● Low sex drive.● pain in the p^nis.● swelling, or a lump in the testicle area.

these are common ways men damage thier sperms without knowing 👇1. Tight underwearsWearing tight underwears like pants or shorts keep your testicles closer to the body, leading to warmer temperatures that may kill sperm & lower sperm count.Wear boxers instead of tight

2. Hot bathsBathing with hotwater frequently exposes your testicles to heat, which reduces your sperm count.The same thing happens to men who use saunas often. In fact, if you're worried about infertility, it's best to bath with cold water.Avoid hot water baths!

3. InfectionsInfections of the testicles (e.g. mumps orchitis), sperm tube (epididymitis) & STI's like HIV & gonorrhea can cause subsequent permanent damage to the testis may occur, leading to low infertility.

4. VaricocelesVaricoceles (swelling of the testis veins) is a major cause of low sperm count & infertility in men. Sperm cells are very fragile.Varicoceles create abnormal temperature inside the testis, which might kill sperm and reduce sperm quality.Treat your

5. LaptopsAn average laptop generates heat of up to 70°C during use. Placing it directly on your laps can transfer some of that heat to your testis.Prolonged use may cause irreversible changes in your male reproductive function. Use your laptop on a desk or table rather.

6. DrugsSome common legal & illegal drugs affect sperm e.g.,- blood pressure pills like Atenolol- anti-inflammatory drugs like Sulfasalazine- most anti-cancer drugs- cocaine, & - many herbal remedies like the herb Tripterygium wilfordii

7. Mobile phonesMen are hence advised to keep their cell phones as far away from the testicles as possible, e.g., hold in your hand or back pocket instead of front pocket.Heat & radiation from phones can damage sperm.Studies have shown that using a phone for as little as 1

8. Smoking Analysis of smokers' semen show the presence of tobacco in their sperm.This lowers sperm count & sperm ability to swim actively to fertilize a woman's egg.So smoking damages a man's sperm in such a way that fertilization becomes difficult.Avoid smoking.

9. Marijuana/weedWeed 🌿 lowers the level of testosterone, a hormone needed by the body to produce sperm. Regular taking marijuana in any form can reduce your sperm count by as much as a one-third!Weed also slows down sperm motility.Beware of weed!

10. SteroidsA serious issue nowadays is some guys take steroids to build musclesSteroids harm sperm by making the testicles believe there's enough testosterone in the body, so they should completely relax.This leads to reduced sperm production & male infertility.Stop

A lot of couples currently have fertility problems & a large part of that is sperm-related.Sperm counts have been declining steadily over the past 50 years.Men, avoid those factors listed & boost your sperm count, motility, viability & overall fertility.

Get your pure and original honey, Soya beans, Pepper soup ingredients in powder form etc. From @DaAmicable DM or Whatsapp her 07036789248.. She waybill to any location.

@DaAmicable This is for only the newbies following me today who desires a consultation or probably have almost given up on becoming a mother ~ There's still hope for you... If you have challenge in any of these areas hit my WhatsApp DM now, consultation is 4k 👉 09060305844

@DaAmicable Not ovulating/ Anovulation2. No periods/ Amenorrhea3. Hormone imbalance (generally)4. Ovarian cyst5. PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)6. PID ( Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases)7. Erectile Dysfunction.

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The thread 👇

— Prince Fynn (@Prince_Fynnz) April 16, 2024

Common ways men damage their sperm without knowing. How to know your sperm is damaged and how to avoid it.The thread 👇 how to know your sperm is damaged.● it is watery.● your sperm is yellow in colour. ● you can't impregnate a woman.● Low sex drive.● pain in the p^nis.● swelling, or a lump in the testicle area.these are common ways men damage thier sperms without knowing 👇1. Tight underwearsWearing tight underwears like pants or shorts keep your testicles closer to the body, leading to warmer temperatures that may kill sperm & lower sperm count.Wear boxers instead of tight2. Hot bathsBathing with hotwater frequently exposes your testicles to heat, which reduces your sperm count.The same thing happens to men who use saunas often. In fact, if you're worried about infertility, it's best to bath with cold water.Avoid hot water baths!3. InfectionsInfections of the testicles (e.g. mumps orchitis), sperm tube (epididymitis) & STI's like HIV & gonorrhea can cause subsequent permanent damage to the testis may occur, leading to low infertility.4. VaricocelesVaricoceles (swelling of the testis veins) is a major cause of low sperm count & infertility in men. Sperm cells are very fragile.Varicoceles create abnormal temperature inside the testis, which might kill sperm and reduce sperm quality.Treat your5. LaptopsAn average laptop generates heat of up to 70°C during use. Placing it directly on your laps can transfer some of that heat to your testis.Prolonged use may cause irreversible changes in your male reproductive function. Use your laptop on a desk or table rather.6. DrugsSome common legal & illegal drugs affect sperm e.g.,- blood pressure pills like Atenolol- anti-inflammatory drugs like Sulfasalazine- most anti-cancer drugs- cocaine, & - many herbal remedies like the herb Tripterygium wilfordii7. Mobile phonesMen are hence advised to keep their cell phones as far away from the testicles as possible, e.g., hold in your hand or back pocket instead of front pocket.Heat & radiation from phones can damage sperm.Studies have shown that using a phone for as little as 18. Smoking Analysis of smokers' semen show the presence of tobacco in their sperm.This lowers sperm count & sperm ability to swim actively to fertilize a woman's egg.So smoking damages a man's sperm in such a way that fertilization becomes difficult.Avoid smoking.9. Marijuana/weedWeed 🌿 lowers the level of testosterone, a hormone needed by the body to produce sperm. Regular taking marijuana in any form can reduce your sperm count by as much as a one-third!Weed also slows down sperm motility.Beware of weed!10. SteroidsA serious issue nowadays is some guys take steroids to build musclesSteroids harm sperm by making the testicles believe there's enough testosterone in the body, so they should completely relax.This leads to reduced sperm production & male infertility.StopA lot of couples currently have fertility problems & a large part of that is sperm-related.Sperm counts have been declining steadily over the past 50 years.Men, avoid those factors listed & boost your sperm count, motility, viability & overall fertility.Get your pure and original honey, Soya beans, Pepper soup ingredients in powder form etc. From @DaAmicable DM or Whatsapp her 07036789248.. She waybill to any location.@DaAmicable This is for only the newbies following me today who desires a consultation or probably have almost given up on becoming a mother ~ There's still hope for you... If you have challenge in any of these areas hit my WhatsApp DM now, consultation is 4k 👉 09060305844@DaAmicable Not ovulating/ Anovulation2. No periods/ Amenorrhea3. Hormone imbalance (generally)4. Ovarian cyst5. PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)6. PID ( Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases)7. Erectile Dysfunction.@DaAmicable Follow @Prince_Fynn2 and turn on notification for daily tips@DaAmicable

Thread By @Prince_Fynnz - Common ways men damage their sperm witho.. (2025)
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