Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (2025)

by Nils A. Haug

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  • "Since October 7 [2023], a sort of quiet boycott of Israeli researchers has begun, of the kind that has never been seen before. This boycott is reflected in the cancellation of invitations to joint conferences, the rejection of articles for publication, the rejection of grants to Israeli researchers, and more." — Israel's National Council for Civilian Research and Development, December 2023.

  • "Antisemitism was always premised on redefining Jewish existence as unnatural and artificial. Jews were being denounced as colonizers as far back as the days of Pharaoh.... The Jews, being Semites, do not belong in Europe. The Jews, being European, do not belong in Israel. The Jews, being Zionists, do not belong at progressive institutions like Harvard or Columbia. And the Jews, being occupiers, do not belong in London.... it's not about Israel [but] has everything to do with the Jews." — Daniel Greenfield, journalist, JNS, August 24 2024.

  • At this time of international turmoil, the world needs expertise and wisdom from the finest minds and great statesmen, including the Jewish ones. It is to the detriment of Western civilization and society, should this millennia-old generational excellence be denied to the West at this dark time of post-truth, post-morality and spreading barbarism, especially in the West.

Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (3)

Somewhat covertly, in November 2024, Ayelet Shaked, a former Israeli Minister of Justice, was shockingly denied permission to enter Australia for the purpose of participating in a conference discussing current Middle East events. The conference was hosted by the Australia Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC), and intended to be a Jewish community event.

Colin Rubenstein, executive director of AIJAC, denounced the visa denial, made without a reason being disclosed at the time, by Australian Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke. In Rubenstein's view, "The decision to refuse a visa to... Shaked on the grounds that she would vilify Australians and incite discord among the community is a disgraceful act of hostility towards a democratic ally."

Refusing entry to a Western country of a former Israeli cabinet minister is simply a further incident in a global de-platforming movement against Jewish-Israeli personalities. In January 2022, some 20 cultural acts withdrew in protest against sponsorship by Israel's embassy in Australia of a performance by the Sydney Dance Company, scheduled to be presented at Sydney's cultural festival. The act was based on a work by Tel Aviv's Batsheva Dance Company, and Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin, but was vilified due to its Israel-Jewish connection.

A December 2023 report, by Israel's National Council for Civilian Research and Development, cautioned that an "unofficial boycott is taking place in Western academia." The consequences for Israel could be serious, goes the report, as these "discriminatory practices could harm the economy, which relies on scientific capabilities as a start-up country." The report added:

"Since October 7, a sort of quiet boycott of Israeli researchers has begun, of the kind that has never been seen before. This boycott is reflected in the cancellation of invitations to joint conferences, the rejection of articles for publication, the rejection of grants to Israeli researchers, and more."

The report mentions actions taken earlier, in March 2022, by the US-based Middle East Studies Association (MESA), in which an academic boycott against Israeli institutions, instigated by the BDS movement, was approved by a large majority of MESA members but denounced by the Academic Engagement Agency, a watchdog group.

In response to the ban, MESA's rival, the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), founded by the late professors Bernard Lewis and Fouad Ajami, "pointed to the double standard in MESA's resolution and the harm it will cause to academic freedom," according to JNS.

ASMEA chairman Professor Norman Stillman wrote in a statement:

"By passing this resolution to blacklist and boycott Israeli institutions of higher learning, the membership of MESA has abandoned any pretext of being an academic association in favor of an organization with a singular political cause: to delegitimize Israel. Their abandonment of the basic principles of academic integrity and freedom, namely the free expression of ideas, is deeply rooted in old biases and prejudice."

While all attempts to delegitimize Jewish excellence on the world stage are to be condemned outright, the hypocrisy of Western anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist actors is highlighted by events surrounding the 1988 publication of Salman Rushdie's book, The Satanic Verses. At a time of immense pressure from offended Muslims to ban the book, Western nations were not inclined to do so. They accurately claimed that academic freedom was part of their constitutional tradition.

Then UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher justified the West's publication of the controversial work. "Freedom of speech," she said, "was a principle of major importance" and the matter involved, "national sovereignty and international law" – none of which prohibited printing the text.

Compared to the principled stance by Western leaders of upholding academic freedom and freedom of speech at the time of Rushdie's controversial book, when it came to applying such rights to Jewish-Israeli writers, academics, achievers, intellectuals, scholars, scientists and the like, all of a sudden, lauded constitutional principles are being ignored -- even by prestigious academic institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania.

In September 2023, and in the name of academic freedom, the University of Pennsylvania hosted a "Palestine Writes Literature Festival" on its Philadelphia campus, featuring, "some of the most notorious anti-Semites in the world." The speakers selected were not acknowledged "writers, academics or literary experts." The festival was described by a critic as an "antisemitic pro-BDS hate-fest," advocating destruction of the Jewish state. Unsurprisingly, Jewish-Israeli participants were not welcome.

In like mode, the "Palestine Festival of Literature" (Palfest), a self-described "cultural initiative," in October 2024, "announced that over 1,000 writers have signed on to a literary boycott of Israel," according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

"In a public letter, these writers declared that they will not allow their books to be translated into Hebrew, contribute to Israeli magazines and newspapers, attend conferences or give readings in Israel, or work with Israeli publishers and literary agents... Palfest proudly describes its own effort as 'the largest cultural boycott against Israeli institutions in history.'"

Signatories to the boycott letter include Pulitzer Prize winners, Nobel Laureates, MacArthur Fellows and so on. Shortly thereafter, a further 5,000 writers signed on to the boycott.

These incidents are not isolated. They are systemic and indicate a widespread aggressive agenda globally to erase Jewish influence in academia, science, technology and culture. The strategy by enemies of Israel and the Jews is reminiscent of the objectives of the Chinese Communist Party, say in Taiwan: to completely isolate Taiwan from world affairs -- in all areas, politically, financially, economically and culturally. In this, they would have been successful if not for support for Taiwan by the US and other allies. The US and the West should stand with Israel here, as well.

The arrogance behind the intent to cancel, dismantle, deprive, and deny the deep wisdom, brilliance, and genius of outstanding men and women who have contributed so much to the ethos, culture and greatness of Western civilization, is difficult to comprehend. Of Nobel Laureates, 22% are Jewish (from 0.2% of the world population) and include Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr (whose mother was Jewish, thus putting him at risk during the Nazi era), Eli Wiesel and Milton Friedman. These notables would also face being denied a platform should they appear on the world stage today.

The true explanation, it seems, is one of deep-seated Jew-hatred within various Western societies. This has been concealed for years within a façade of tolerance and social niceties, but now, as Steven Spielberg says, antisemitism "is no longer lurking, but standing proud" as it was in Germany during the 1930s.

Ari Ingel, executive director of the Creative Community for Peace said in response to the October boycott letter:

"These boycott calls, now being led by members of the literary community themselves, are reminiscent of the 1933 boycott of Jewish authors, when antisemites burned over 25,000 books. The works of Jewish authors like Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, alongside American works by Ernest Hemingway and Helen Keller were burned. This is where things are once again headed."

The words of Count Stanislas de Claremont-Tonnerre, at the time of the French Revolution, try to parse the animosity towards Jewish people: "Jews should be denied everything as a nation, but granted everything as individuals... The existence of a nation within a nation is unacceptable to our country." Stanislas therefore denounced their existence as a nation, superbly refuted in 1948.

Journalist Daniel Greenfield notes that in the view of Western activists,

"Antisemitism was always premised on redefining Jewish existence as unnatural and artificial. Jews were being denounced as colonizers as far back as the days of Pharaoh.... The Jews, being Semites, do not belong in Europe. The Jews, being European, do not belong in Israel. The Jews, being Zionists, do not belong at progressive institutions like Harvard or Columbia. And the Jews, being occupiers, do not belong in London."

He continues, "it's not about Israel," but "has everything to do with the Jews." In plain words, cultural and academic ostracization is simply rebottled Jew-hate.

At the same time, these actions also reflect the death throes of that malevolent construct, which favors the group over the individual, known as identity politics. It has caused vast divisive damage in the public arena, and now manifests itself in a loud, irrational and angry prejudice under the guise of a biased social justice claim against a nation, a religion, an ethnic group of peace-loving scholars, intellectuals, scientists and creative geniuses who value freedom, morality, innovation and excellence.

The Jewish nation has a divine calling to "bring light" to the world with wisdom, truth and equal justice under the law. These values commenced with the Mosaic codes, which introduced definitive rubrics of virtue. "The Jewish people brought morality to the world thousands of years ago," remarked Safra Catz, CEO of Oracle, "and some people are still mad about it."

At this time of international turmoil, the world needs expertise and wisdom from the finest minds and great statesmen, including the Jewish ones. It is to the detriment of Western civilization and society, should this millennia-old generational excellence be denied to the West at this dark time of post-truth, post-morality and spreading barbarism, especially in the West.

Nils A. Haug is an author and columnist. A Lawyer by profession, he is member of the International Bar Association, the National Association of Scholars, a faculty member at Intercollegiate Studies Institute, the Academy of Philosophy and Letters. Retired from law, his particular field of interest is political theory and ethics interconnected with current events. He holds a Ph.D. in Apologetical Theology. Dr. Haug is author of 'Politics, Law, and Disorder in the Garden of Eden – the Quest for Identity'; and 'Enemies of the Innocent – Life, Truth, and Meaning in a Dark Age.' His work has been published by First Things Journal, The American Mind, Quadrant, Minding the Campus, Gatestone Institute, National Association of Scholars, Israel Hayom, The James Wilson Institute (Anchoring Truths), Document Danmark, Jewish Journal, and others.

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101 Reader Comments

PaulDec 25, 2024 at 11:42

Wonderful article, thank you Gatestone.


Arnold PinsleyDec 14, 2024 at 19:16

I use the term Judeophobia because Semites are not known by the houses in which they worship or the color of their skin, but by the languages they speak. More than 325 million Semites speak Arabic, almost 23 million speak Amharic, and perhaps 16 million can recognize the Shmah. Societal Jew-hatred began in Egypt 2,500 years ago - for chapter and verse see the Introduction to Bentzion Netanyahu's 'The Origins of the Inquisition', Random House 1995.

As a small child during WW II, I dreamed of being a Jewish soldier in a Jewish country and at the age of 41, I became one and remained so until 10 days before my 48th birthday when my older sister underwent a bone marrow transplant. Someone had to provide emotional and sometimes physical support to my parents; my two younger siblings were both raising families of their own and my brother-in-law had to look after my sister and four children - I was two years divorced and it was last man up step up so I did.

I have watched US State Dept tie Israel's hands in its battle with Hamas time and again and mitigate Israel's efforts to engage the Mullahs which makes me furious. I appreciate Professor Haug's comments - they are a step in the right direction.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (5) Arnold PinsleyDec 16, 2024 at 08:29

Thank you Arnold for the fascinating story albeit sad. The US has indeed tried to micro-manage Israel during these wars. Fortunately the PM has paid little heed to the US advice. And thank you also, for your IDF service in the cause of justice and peace for Israel.


David Jonathan CullenDec 13, 2024 at 09:04

Read Aviva Klompas' new book, "Standby Nation" to see the life-saving and life aiding contributions to all parts of the world by Israeli organizations and individuals. Actions speak louder than words!


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (6) David Jonathan CullenDec 15, 2024 at 06:18

You are right. Try as they may, David, the world cannot deny the brilliance of Jewish contribution to the upliftment of humanity.


Peter C KastellanosDec 12, 2024 at 15:49

I just do not understand the logic of hate towards Jews. Their contribution to civilization is overwhelming. Total lack of education and ignorance can only explain it.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (7) Peter C KastellanosDec 13, 2024 at 03:15

There is no logic to it Peter. It is a spiritual darkness against the Creator's small tribe of chosen people and their integral part in world events. Their introducing the moral codes of Moses to the world at large is a case in point.


Commander Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (8) Peter C KastellanosDec 13, 2024 at 09:57

No, it is not a lack of education, nor a lack of intelligence.
It is pure evil. The hatred of Jews is unfathomable unless one believes in satanic inspired evil.


Ngaio Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (9) Peter C KastellanosDec 17, 2024 at 17:41

Also I believe it is the "lack of education and ignorance" that explains, add to that the lack of will to think and explore/compare and dig into the fascinating presence of Jewry in civilisations past and present.


cammo99Dec 12, 2024 at 11:26

2 and 2 is what you get when you put spiritually empty secular socialists in search of a soul with activist Islamists who propose Shariah Law as the only way ahead, and as a matter of Shariah they aren't talking to anyone not of their faith either. Especially if you don't know the right pronouns. This is an attack on Judaism and Christianity, and more is coming. They hate us, and it is an underlying rationalization for illegal replacement. I just wonder when JB will do what Obama tried to do and bring as many Hamas and other Islamic refugees to the USA. They failed the last year of Obama's lackluster years, to bring Syrian Muslims, omitting the more desperate Yazidis and Christians.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (10) cammo99Dec 13, 2024 at 03:18

There is much truth in what you say. Your words "and more is coming" are perceptive. This has been "coming" for centuries and will continue to do endlessly. However, Israel is well able to defend itself this time.


Rob PorterDec 12, 2024 at 11:11

Some excellent statements by Nils A. Haug, not least that we in the West now live in a "dark time of post-truth, post-morality and spreading barbarism,.." Having largely abandoned its Judaeo-Christian beliefs the West in its spiritual vacuum now cares little about truth and facts, preferring to cow-tow to Muslim lies, threats of violence and violence.

This circumstance is accompanied by astounding cowardice as Westerner authorities permit Muslims - forever the primary victimizers playing 'victim' (a worn-out strategy for which cowardly Canadian, Australian and other Westerners continue to fall) - to determine the narrative and policies that punish the victims, Jews and Israel.

Canadian cities like Toronto and Montreal now endure endless, orchestrated, Muslim protests, no one in authority possessing the 'guts' to tell Muslims that their people in Gaza started this war, to stop disruptive protesting and assaults on Jews and Jewish neighbourhoods or face deportation.

The spinelessness of Western governments is astounding.

With wisdom having departed, the governments of most Western countries - Hungary one notable and admirable exception - they have no idea how Muslim lies and ignorance will fashion their societies


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (11) Rob PorterDec 13, 2024 at 03:22

Exceptionally well put Rob, thank you. You have summated the position sharply. The cowardice of the West matches their actions during the Nazi era, insofar as Jews are concerned. Israel needs to be more self-sufficient in armaments and munitions.


Rob Porter Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (12) NHDec 15, 2024 at 00:50

Thanks Nils. Following those many barbaric jihad attacks all over that followed 911 - London, Paris, Eastgate Mall in Nairobi, Mumbai, Nice, Brussels, etc - appreciating that I knew little about Islam, for nine months I did intensive study of Islam, even read the Qur'an. So I developed a deep understand of Islam and it appalling ignorance, intolerance, bigotry, hatred - particularly Jew hatred - stupidity and love of cruelty that was borne out on October 7, 2023, but preceded by ISIS savagery against Christians and Yazidis. Mutilation is taught in the Qur'an, so why would be surprised?

Yet after all that we had seen the idiotic Western World, barring Hungary, opened its borders to largely useless migrants who harbour attitudes that create discord, division, violence and chaos. Plainly put, Islam is not a civilization, it is evil personified, a death cult that has every intention if taking over Western societies that already they know are led by weak and cowardly leaders driven by politically correct instincts.

Any really sane leaders would mass deport people who, it is evident, are intent on destroying their societies, who assault, rape and murder, and openly state and demonstrate their intention to take over and impose barbaric, medieval, ignorant shariah. I marvel when watching France's Emmanuel Macron and the pitiful leaders of Germany and Holland. Canada and Australia have pagan clowns running their shows. The haven't yet worked out with what they are dealing.


tikiDec 12, 2024 at 02:25

Let's make one thing clear:
JEW-HATE is NOT about Jews, it's about self HATE-RS.

Jealous, petty, small-minded Bigots & Losers who always blame their failures & misfortunes on others...especially the successful Jew.

Idiots who believe that squeezing out others, will bring them the success & recognition they 'deserve'.

Fanatics who believe that their obsessive believes will bring them the success they so need.

New religions, who believe that killing the heirs of THEIR founding fathers, from the Jew Abraham to Rabbi Jehosuah/Jezus, will absolve them from their mutualisation of history, don't know history.

Dreamers who believe that their hate will make the Jews disappear, must think again!

Millions have tried before them.... and not succeeded.
Millions will try after them.... and will not succeed.
Despite all their efforts NOTHING worked!

The Jews have survived the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Spanish/Portuguese Inquisition, East European Pogroms, Nazi German & European helpers Holocaust, British Palestine Mandate, Boycotts, Hate crimes, Exclusion, Nazi Courts & Dreyfus judges, UN Resolutions etc.etc. and guess what..... Am Yisrael Chai // ISRAEL & it's PEOPLE live and the little baby has grown into a strong independent adult, opposing its haters decisive & head on.

THAT's what makes them furious, despite centuries of united organization & effort, NOTHING works.


Little Israel gives THEM the big middle finger, while THEY are drowning in the sea of hate & self inflicted destruction.

Chaos & mayhem fell upon them while Israel is successfully fighting (on it's own) it's enemies on 7 fronts, including a Jew hating EUROPE, an Israel allergic UNited Nazi's, liberal progressive Humanists & Democrats who will ALL dance on Israel's grave & celebrate it's demise, while mourning Israel's success and therefore put a poisoned spoke into the Jewish State wherever they can.

Well guess what, it won't work....again! .

The Bible prophecy (Ezekiel 38/39) says:
The world will turn against Israel in the 'last days' ONLY Jerusalem will survive!

Well folks, that's precisely what's happening, NOW!

Time for Irael's "friends" to take notice!


J. Maccabee Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (13) tikiDec 13, 2024 at 18:06

*** Antisemitism, Jew hatred, is ONLY about Jews. If antisemites hate themselves, it's a good start for humanity, the Jewish people and Nation of Israel. Any decent human being has no reason to give a horse's patoot about Islamofascists, neo-Nazis, neo-Stalinists or any self-haters in their rank ranks. Ancient Israelites and Jews globally have suffered for millennia for a simple reason. While prostitution is the world's oldest profession, Jew hating is the world's oldest entertainment.
*** Scapegoating Jews because they're a small minority and Israel in a tiny, if ancient nation. Perversely, when Jews defend themselves decisively after being perpetually attacked, their collective image suffers even more from a supremely hypocritical majority of Jew-haters, self-haters, ignoramuses, jackasses, no-nothings, idiots, and imbeciles. Primarily Jew-haters but the legion draws heavily from the rest. Scapegoating is simply popular. Most are ineducable by nature AND choice.


Rob Porter Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (14) tikiDec 15, 2024 at 01:06

Muslim hatred of Jews IS about Jews. It is utterly mindless, ignorant following of Mohammad in the Qur'an.

In the West prejudice, ignorance and possibly jealousy determine antisemitism, the Catholic Church evilly portraying Jews as the killers of Jesus Christ. The wicked Sanhedrin was responsible for calling on the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, to crucify Christ, but it was Jews, Jesus' disciples who spread the word about Jesus and provided the world with the New Testament.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (15) J. MaccabeeDec 16, 2024 at 08:33

The term 'scapegoating' well describes the situation!


Beth RyanDec 11, 2024 at 21:23

So, assuming the anti-semites want to quash anything related to Jews and/or Israel, I am here to suggest they divest themselves of using anything created by Jews. Vaccines, medicines and medical devices; anything computer-related that has been touched by Jews, etc. Absolutely anything! This is a choice the anti-semites have made. Let them truly live in a world with that decision absolutely.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (16) Beth RyanDec 12, 2024 at 14:24

Couldn't agree more!


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (17) Beth RyanDec 13, 2024 at 03:24

Interesting suggestions Beth, but commerce / trade is complicated so that will probably not happen regrettably.


J. Maccabee Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (18) Beth RyanDec 13, 2024 at 18:23

That's not enough. Not nearly enough for the last 3500 years, let alone 5785.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (19) NHDec 14, 2024 at 15:08

The plain raw fact is that it has nothing to do with the complications of commerce; those haters are simply NOT going to give up the "creature comforts" and conveniences Jewish ingenuity has given us all, for centuries!


Harvey RadnorDec 11, 2024 at 18:55

Excellent article, Nils, pinpointing the longest hatred antisemitism and how it has changed its forms other the millennia, it's like a chameleon but at the end of the day it's still there. There are those people around the world that stand with the Jews and for the small proportion of the world's population. It's hard to understand why the hatred is so vehement. I can only conclude it can only be that Jews are the conscience and these antisemites have none.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (20) Harvey RadnorDec 12, 2024 at 14:26

The perceived "favored child" is always despised by his fellows, whatever the group.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (21) Harvey RadnorDec 13, 2024 at 03:28

Thank you Harvey. You are correct. The 'favoured people of God', the 'people of the Book', the 'custodians of moral laws' etc, all such descriptions add to the jealously, the envy, and hypocrisy of the world's antiSemites.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (22) Sandra SmithDec 13, 2024 at 03:28

That is the truth of it Sandra.


J. Maccabee Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (23) Harvey RadnorDec 13, 2024 at 18:20

Antisemites object to Jews' and Israelis' objecting to genocide. Useful idiots like Greta Thunberg in Sweden, has time to learn climate science but, not history of the world, religion or the facts thereof. If she's only a one-trick pony like Bob Dylan the entertainer, who's allegedly Jewish, or Bobby Fisher the retired chess master, or Gal Gadot the allegedly Jewish movie star, Greta and this cohort will trash their credibility in all matters with the global victims of antisemitism and all decent, rational human beings. But not the unthinking, uninformed mobs.


Feigue CieplinskiDec 11, 2024 at 15:52

My favorite author hit the nail again. Yet, the diagnosis of this ailment is ancient, and for variety you of reason will be used when appropriate for them. If indeed, they want to exclude us from heir scientific conference, and actually not letting us teach because the subject is "too Jewish" it is they who miss it by not integrating new knowledge, it is they who are polarizing society. They dreaded the Jewish Bible but no they use as "Old Testament" they pick and choose. I find that this is the fulcrum that pushes the political issues. When at the same because Jews stay with the beliefs and new knowledge, Nothing can be done if they refuse it. Who is poorer?


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (24) Feigue CieplinskiDec 11, 2024 at 20:12

Feigue, thank you for the kind comments. You make some good points.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (25) Feigue CieplinskiDec 12, 2024 at 14:28

Great points, Feigue.


Morris GivnerDec 11, 2024 at 12:52

I think the root of antisemitism today and for thousands of years are the 10 Commandments. The presence of Jews reminds non-Jews not to steal, murder and commit adultery. The Arab-Muslim nations have enormous wealth which they employ daily to bribe countless businesses, governments and the media to act according to their wishes. The presence of a Jew acts as a deterrent to taking Arab bribes. A perfect example is the Syrian regime, which held power for 57 years and the West's human rights organizations such as Amnesty International, the International Red Cross and UN were totally silent about the murder and torture of countless individuals including their own citizens. The Jewish deep sense of what is right and wrong in all aspects of life do not allow silence in the presence of deep immorality.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (26) Morris GivnerDec 11, 2024 at 20:15

Well said Morris. The Jew reminds the world of morality, decency, goodness, peace and eternal principles. This does not go down well, hence the animosity.


Rob PorterDec 11, 2024 at 12:39

What really stuns me in Canada is the cowardice of Canadian authorities toward Muslim violence and disruption of life in Canadian cities.

The depraved savagery of the Muslims of Hamas on October 7, 2023, is what started the present war in the Middle East, but no, we are now supposed to believe that unprovoked Israeli aggression started the war and caused Muslim protests all over the Western World.

Israel's retaliation to Hamas barbarism exposed the depth of Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran's proxies, to attack and attempt to annihilate Israel, yet here we are in the West, falling for Muslim lies and anti-Israel, anti-Jewish propaganda. How dare Israel fight for its survival!

The deep, underlying problem is not Israel or Jews, but Islam and Muslim hatred of Jews, initiated by Mohammad. Anyone who has read the Qur'an and studied Islam knows this. Muslim hatred of Christians no less. According to Mohammad Jews and Christians are "the people of the book", the Bible, so all over the Muslim world Christians are persecuted, not least savagely murdered in Nigeria and other African countries - while the Western media remains silent.

Why any Western government would imagine that allowing hoards of Muslims into their countries would bring peace is beyond comprehension and testament to their ignorance and stupidity. Australia and Canada, unless cluelessly ignorant, had to know about the consequences for European countries after Germany's Angela Merkel and France's Macron so foolishly opened their borders to the Muslim invasions. Driven by cowardice they now allow Muslim disruption of their cities, endure Muslim violence against their citizens and, ultimately, destruction of Western civilization that is the goal of Islam and its followers.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (27) Rob PorterDec 11, 2024 at 20:18

Rob, the cowardice of Canadian leaders is matched by that of Europe's leaders. The root of the hatred is religion: ancient Hebrew truths confronting sundry alternatives.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (28) Rob PorterDec 12, 2024 at 15:06

They ALL had to know after the millennium, almost of Muslim incursion into Europe between the early 700s and the mid 1600s; on the big "clock" less than 4 centuries is a blip on the radar, but not knowing history leaves them open wide to repeat it!


Rob Porter Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (29) NHDec 12, 2024 at 23:21

Yes, NH, of this I am all too aware, but it is in Canada that I have witnessed the cowardly paralysis of its leaders while hoards of lawless Muslims - mostly recent arrivals - in an orchestrated manner have disrupted life in Canada's cities. It's evident that they know they have the weak authorities in disarray. In the process, they announce their contempt for laws other than shariah. They are targeting Jews and Jewish areas while cowardly police officers stand around, watch and do nothing. The pandering to Muslim lawlessness, lies, intolerance and hatred is amazing. Truth and facts are foreign to their Islamic instincts.

Where Canada's leaders imagine all of this will end if they don't take strong action, is anyone's guess.


Sandra SmithDec 11, 2024 at 12:32

Wow! Talk about cutting off one's nose to spite one's face... This move must be right up near the top of truly STUPID policy moves in all human history!


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (30) Sandra SmithDec 11, 2024 at 20:19

Jew-hatred knows no logical bounds Sandra!


Rob Porter Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (31) Sandra SmithDec 12, 2024 at 02:13

Sandra, having abandoned Christianity and Judaeo-Christian beliefs and standards, Western societies, operating in spiritual vacuums have become stupid and cowardly. Enduring what they now do from Muslims, not least brutal murder of Jews, murder of those with the courage to criticize Islam, incessant violence and chaos, in order to recover their once civilized society and stop further degeneration, you'd expect authorities to begin mass deportation of those who so obviously hate their society and are intent upon destroying it.

Not so Europe where today in Germany there are an average of two gang-rapes daily. Females are sacrificed to avoid Muslim anger and outrage. After all, Islam permits sex slaves.

In Britain thousands of girls have been groomed and raped by Muslims from Pakistan. For years cowardly, uncaring British police and other rotten authorities turned a blind eye, preferring to imprison Tommy Robinson for exposing their cowardly negligence and the brutalizing of British girls. Other than from Robinson and supporters, where you'd expect there to be outrage there has been none. Where, you might ask, is the church, but it too is silent and cowardly. Cowardice from which Muslims are benefitting, grips the Western world.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (32) NHDec 12, 2024 at 15:07

No, it surely does not!


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (33) Rob PorterDec 12, 2024 at 15:23

I know where the bulk of Churches are; God told me in just 5 words, from the OT: "the Glory has gone out", back in the '80s. The reference,of course , is to the Holy Spirit, and the Temple. But it was in answer to something I had been praying about. Over time, I saw clearly just how broadly it applies. The gov't it's money. The Muslim oil producers own far too many of them. As for the other groups who should be screaming from the rooftops, I agree it is just plain cowardice.


Frank AdamDec 11, 2024 at 12:30

The Nazis re-labelled Heine's Lorelei as "a folk song". Nevertheless "Lorelei" is still with us and recognised as Heine's work.
The Church put Galileo under house arrest but he still features in our school books as vital original work because the instruments and maths are basic truth. Toricelli left Italy and it was a century before Italian science recovered with the work of Volta and Galvani.
Karl Marx is still abhorred for being cavalier with property in land and inheritance but his ideas that children should be in school and not in factories, and that communications and credit be nationally and even internationally regulated has come about: qv the World Bank, IMF and Warsaw Convention on travel arrangements.
The World changed - and advanced - when between them Copernicus, Newton, Lavoisier and Darwin transferred basic faith and understanding from Scriptures and clergy to observed data and maths. Jews may be boycotted for the moment but the pressures of reality will return their persecutors to the deserts.

One effect of the Hitler "Drecken Reich" was that 27 (7 actual and 20 to be) Nobel laureates left German Universities: 15 for the USA and 8 for the UK. Altogether "Hitler's Gift" Jean Medawar and David Pyke 2000 - by 1940 the USA had received 8000 academics and and 1500 cultural types. 2000 writers and 4000 technicians besides 1500 cinematics fled the Nazis and Germany lost to the USA its stannding as the World's research centre - not just because the US is the locomotive of the World economy. The previous flight of scholars was that from the failing Byzantine Empire that in part sparked The Renaissance.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (34) Frank AdamDec 11, 2024 at 20:21

Yes Frank, Europe's loss was America's and Israel's gain.


David Ashton Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (35) Frank AdamDec 17, 2024 at 18:27

Marx was not the only contemporary opponent of children in factories, but he was opposed to the traditional family and attacked Jews as money-worshippers; see e.g. Julius Carlebach, "Karl Marx & the Radical Critique of Judaism" (1978); Jerry Z. Muller, "Capitalism & the Jews" (2011).
The transfer of faith from ancient scriptures has problem implications for the modern location for a Jewish national home (Gen. 15.18-21, Deut. 14.2,&c); Wikipedia, "Greater Israel" (online).


Max DenkenDec 11, 2024 at 11:50

While the general thrust of the article is good and wise, Dr. Haug has erred significantly on two issues. First, the article is about the boycott of Israelis, while the history of Jewish genius that Haug adduces is all about the genius of European and American Jews, not Israelis. The world doesn't miss much, except morally, by excluding Israeli academics and artists from participation. If Israel want to retaliate where it counts, let it exclude the world from its tech and scientific innovation.
Second, Dr. Haug lauds the Jewish nation's "divine calling" to bring "light" to the world, etc. In the contemporary world when so many Jews lead the woke "social justice" and "migrant" importation movements that are taking apart every country in Europe (except Hungary and Slovakia) and every country in the Anglosphere as well, one ought to eschew such cock-crowing. Just check the names of the individuals that helped elect and then enabled and prosecuted the main harmful actions of the two most destructive presidents in U.S.'s modern history: Obama and Biden. Check, as well, what J-orgs such as ADL and HIAS are doing to America in sharp contrast to their original mission.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (36) Max DenkenDec 11, 2024 at 12:39

I think you missed the point about Jewish genius, which has been alive, and VERY well, in Israel for decades too! The innovations coming FROM Israel, over the past several decades are pretty mind blowing, in fact. Our media seldom, if ever, mentions them, but they ARE there and quite real!


Max Denken Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (37) Sandra SmithDec 11, 2024 at 18:05

You haven't read attentively enough. I specifically excepted tech & science innovation from my comment doubting Israel's genius that, as per the article's position, is in the realm of the arts, literature, philosophy, etc. Those are not Israel's fortes.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (38) Max DenkenDec 11, 2024 at 20:24

Appreciate your insight, Max. Within the strict confines of a short essay, not all considerations can be addressed - this would take a book. The idea is to keep it, short, simple, and readable.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (39) Max DenkenDec 12, 2024 at 15:31

The philosophy is ancient but every bit as relevant today as it was 3 millennia past, in fact drove many of the advances in science and tech.


Gerhard Werner SchlickeDec 11, 2024 at 11:34

A very good snapshot of the omnipresent anti-Semitism that has persisted for 3,000 years and has been growing latently since the founding of the Jewish state, Israel, on May 14, 1948. At the latest since the beginning of the IDF's self-defense military operations after the barbaric attack by dehumanized Hamas terrorists with the participation of UNRWA employees on 7 October 1923, another facet of Jew-hatred has become apparent. During the "plague pogroms" against the Jews in Germany in 1348-1351, Jews were lynched in the streets, beaten to death and burned at the stake with the blessing of the church. In the Shoah, almost 6 million Jews died in the industrially organized mass murder by the Nazis, unchallenged by this very church. Today, these orgies of violence are more subtle, but no less dangerous. "Climate activists", above all Sweden's Greta, are jumping on the pro-Palestine bandwagon and are using it to gain the lost media attention, students from elite US and English universities are demonstrating their neglect of prosperity by denying all historical facts and European parliaments are turning their backs on Israel. All of this is fueling the hatred of Jews and Israel that is becoming more and more commonplace. Today it no longer takes the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to defame Jews, today a small spark like in Amsterdam, Antwerp and other places is enough to chase Jews through the streets again. These were not sports hooligans, these were Jew-haters in their purest form and radicalized Muslims who pervert Islam and ultimately lead any integration in Europe ad absurdum.

Considered almost impossible by almost all political elites and parties in the Western hemisphere, the first Arab Gulf states began to correct their rigid and antagonistic stance towards Israel in 2020 thanks to the mediation of the USA under Trump. Even major Middle East think tanks in the USA and Europe did not think this was possible. The breakthrough came with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, which signed the "Abraham Accord" with Israel's PM Netanyahu in front of the White House in Washington on September 15, 2020.
While China has created the largest free trade zone in the world in the Asian region and the EU and Germany are practising gender-equitable legislation and strategically treading water, Israel has taken a big step into the future with the states of the Arabian Gulf.

It was precisely this progress that was put on hold on October 7, 2023 when Hamas attacked Israel and provoked a military counterattack, and numerous Arab states put their intentions to join this agreement on hold. For Iran, the goal was achieved. To isolate and discredit Israel, to divide the Arab states and bring them into line with the Ayatollah and ultimately to distract the media from the construction of the nuclear bomb. I fear that Israel's far-sighted military operations after the fall of the dictator Assad in Syria will lead to further anti-Semitic outbreaks in Europe and the USA.

Anti-Semitism is as old as the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt over 3,000 years ago and it will certainly not end even if Israel only allows white doves to soar. Israel's right to self-defense is non-negotiable, and neither is the Jews' right to freely practice their faith. Western politicians are called upon not only to pay lip service, but also to pursue a sustainable policy and resolutely counteract parallel societies.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (40) Gerhard Werner SchlickeDec 11, 2024 at 20:26

Well said, Sir.


bert33Dec 11, 2024 at 11:08

"In every work of fiction, a grain of truth."-Anon.
Are Jews/Israelis involved in something criminal nefarious or subversive, are they conducting industrial espionage, financial crimes, IP theft, SPYING on world leaders, is there honest substance to any of the accusations or allegations. Because if they are, they are not alone. Talk about the Rosenbergs a minute, they swung over nuclear espionage and giving that technology to the Russians. But, that's been a while. Jews got accused of starting the communist party, Bolshevik revolution, WWII, probably invented bread mold and causing milk in baby bottles to spoil. Those evil, vile Jews. Hitler ranted on and on about the Jews, despoilers of German culture and society, undermining the govt. etc. Today, over on, well, Unz, whatever, the crap continues concerning "Khazarians" and the horrible actions and deeds of the Ashkenazis, and the more modern question of who is employed at Meta/Facebook under Jewish mastermind Mark Zuckerberg, and the Jewish mafia nestled up at US colleges and universities secretly masterminding and puppetizing the US federal govt. and thus the world, Hollywood, etc. It never stops. You could probably start a wiki, titled 'Its All Because of Zechoos', and just go hog wild and build gigabytes of blame against the Jewish state. But how much of it really honestly has any substance, and how much of it is empty albeit toxic rhetoric, just plain jealousy of honest accomplishments, and drunk repetition of third-hand gossip. Haters gonna hate. Are there Israeli spies? Probably. They have a thing called 'Mossad', and they do spy stuff. They somehow missed the buildup to 7 Oct., but have made up for lost ground and time since.

Love Israel, hate Israel, don't care, can't find it on a map, Israel's not going anywhere, and Jews will continue to have to fight attacks on their reputation, institutions, even their physical person, because The Jews. Jew jew jew jew jew-jew... and don't forget Jewish Nazi George Soros and his media empire... meanwhile, the IDF is pounding the crap out of the armies to the north, thus putting Iran's finger puppets out of business. As the world burns... tune in next week for another exciting episode...


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (41) bert33Dec 13, 2024 at 03:31

Some interesting comments there, Bert, thank you.


Stan RoelkerDec 11, 2024 at 10:56

For every country/organization that denies Jews, Israel should send them Nazi arm bands and photo of Hitler/concentration camp photos...


Diane Vargo Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (42) Stan RoelkerDec 11, 2024 at 18:06

For every country/organization that denies Jews.... no polio vaccine for you!


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (43) Stan RoelkerDec 13, 2024 at 03:32

Yes, Stan, these Jew-haters are proud of their actions.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (44) Stan RoelkerDec 19, 2024 at 12:38

Most of those deny there was an Holocaust; they'll claim the photos are "shopped", even if they're straight out of the Nazis' own files!


Roni StokerDec 11, 2024 at 09:46

Alas the writer of this important article, Nils A. Haug, had forgotten to add to the list of brilliant Jews, the names of Robert Oppenheimer (the Manhattan Project), and the developers of the polio vaccination Dr. Jonas Salk and Dr. Albert Sabin. Both had saved the lives of millions of kids worldwide; including the ones of future terrorists.
The so called 'progressive institutions' as Harvard, Columbia and other western universities are raid bases of intellectual academic mercenaries. They are the 'intellectual' equivalent of Jevgeny Prigozjin Wagner Forces. 'For a fist full of Islamic dollars', they are prepared to act as righteous brothers, and defend the right of Hamas, Islamic terrorist and other terror groups to slaughter people in a dance festival, mass rape of young girls and children, mutilation of limbs while their victims are still alive, behead children and babies, burning whole families alive in their homes. No war crimes even the most terrible is not justified by the intellectual Wagner Forces at the universities. Their adage is: WHERE MONEY WALKS, BULLSHIT TALKS!
Israel has to learn to live with enemies. Living with a non-stop threat means constant developing of new weaponry. Having weapons others still not poses. Learn from the Dutch who had learned to live with a never-ending water threat by building dykes and other water infra-structure.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (45) Roni StokerDec 11, 2024 at 20:30

Thank you Roni, I am well aware of the great Jewish innovators and had compiled a long list. However, due to space limitations I could only mentioned a few. There is much more to be said on this topic and a short essay cannot do justice to these great achievers.


Roni Stoker Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (46) NHDec 12, 2024 at 14:21

@NH. You are welcome. Obviously you are not able to mention all Jewish innovators. They are not the reason I've mentioned two more of them. I just wanted to show with what kind of 'university intellectuals' the world is dealing with. They remind me of the German elite who were very liberal during the time of the Weimar Republic, and became Nazi's when the NSDAP came to power. People like philosopher Richard Heidegger, and composer Richard Strauss. The movie Mephisto of Szabo depicts such a 'Woke Liberal'. An actor named Henrik Höfgen. He was broad minded liberal ...Man of the World! Though, when he got his chances in the New Germany, he said: "Freiheit!..Was soll ich damit!


CedarDec 11, 2024 at 08:46

It's part of Western self-hatred, and the inadequacies of the current generation in charge, to denounce the Jewish people who have contributed so much to our culture. The boycott of Israel seems to arouse no echoes of the 1930s boycott of Jewish businesses. Israel should keep on inventing, and sell its inventions to those who are happy to buy them. To deny Jewish academics and politicians access to discussions on the Middle East is beyond stupid.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (47) CedarDec 11, 2024 at 12:50

It would serve the haters right should Israel cut off their ability and "right" to access any of the "gifts" Jews have given the world over the course of human history! I confess I'd hurt for days from laughing at them trying to function without all those benefits, not because they're suffering, but because they had done it to themselves, by intent!


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (48) CedarDec 11, 2024 at 20:32

Cedar, That is quite correct.


Skyraider17Dec 11, 2024 at 08:34

With the recent Pro-Hamas student protests at Columbia and other universities across the United States chanting "death to Jews", your comparisons to Germany in the 1930's are disturbing to say the least. We've learned nothing apparently. Please keep shining the brightest light you can on this despicable scourge Nils and hopefully history will NOT repeat itself. Thank you. Greg


lnelson Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (49) Skyraider17Dec 11, 2024 at 12:30

Superior Jewish intelligence is like atomic energy. When in the service of GOOD it can do a great good. When in the service of evil, it can do a great evil. Unfortunately, too many People judge the Jews by the shenanigans of Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Bernie Madoff, Ivan Boesky, Lenny Bruce and some other unpatriotic America haters.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (50) Skyraider17Dec 11, 2024 at 12:50

Amen to that!


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (51) Skyraider17Dec 11, 2024 at 20:35

Greg, yes, this ancient and enduring irrational hatred will continue endlessly and Israel will eventually stand quite alone but by then, hopefully, it will be better prepared for its enemies schemes.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (52) NHDec 12, 2024 at 15:45

Israel will never stand alone; Yhwh God will always stand against those who curse, or stand against, Israel, just as He has done for all the centuries since He called Avram. He has chastised, as any Father does a disobedient child He loves, but NEVER abandoned Israel, not will He now. Some of the anecdotal records from the '48-'49 war, prove that quite graphically, especially those left by Muslim "enemy" combatants.


J. Maccabee Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (53) lnelsonDec 13, 2024 at 15:08

Please provide any facts to support the notion that Lenny Bruce was ever an "unpatriotic America hater."


J. Maccabee Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (54) Sandra SmithDec 13, 2024 at 16:05

***It seems to me that your religious fervor runs contrary to facts over, let's say, just the past 3,500 years, since the Jews were delivered from Pharaoh's slavery in Egypt. I think "chastise" used to describe the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is colossal understatement.
***Why would innocent children be killed wholesale by the Almighty for their elders' affronts to Him (or Her, who really knows?). If Yahweh can't be called out for abandonment of the Jews since 1930 what's next? How about 1948, when God permitted King Abdullah of Transjordan to eject Jews from Judea and Samaria west of the Jordan River after defying the U.N. Resolution Partitioning the British Palestine Mandate and sealing Jerusalem, site of the holiest ancient Israeli architectural artifact, the ruins of King Solomon's Second Temple off from the Jews? For 19 years? Or the King's transplanting his citizens to Judea and Samaria and granting them Transjordanian citizenship to his occupiers?
***How about after 1967, when U.N. Secretary General U Thant obediently removed Sinai peacekeepers so Gamal Abdul Nasser, the dictator of Egypt, could invade with Jordan and Syria, butcher all the Jews and erase Israel from the map, like the Roman Empire did, about 2000 years earlier? Prior to the Lightning War of 1967, why didn't God just send an earthquake to collapse the Golan Heights, or flood the Sinai after Nasser moved up and dug in his Russian Tanks? Or flood Judea and Samaria after an earthquake? Or, how about an earthquake and a flood to destroy the terror tunnels that the U.N. funded with the EU over the last decade?


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (55) J. MaccabeeDec 14, 2024 at 15:36

Ask YHWH why HE made those choices. The plains cities He destroyed were Canaanites not children of Israel, so not covered by the covenant. Stop muddying the waters.


Jagdish N SinghDec 11, 2024 at 07:30

The Jews must fight on. The jealous are here to stay.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (56) Jagdish N SinghDec 11, 2024 at 13:02

NOT, thankfully, for much longer. Yhwh God made a promise to Avraham about 3500 yrs ago, that those who bless Israel will be blessed, individual or nation; those who curse Israel, again individual or nation, HE will curse. That curse may not APPEAR to happen, in human views, "quickly, as they feel it should, but often that's because they fail to see what's right in front of their faces for what it actually IS! However, the real curse that is now foreseeably close to occurring, and has been long forewarned will occur, will come upon the haters wide awake, and utterly unprepared none the less! Be prepared for the wailing and whining as they complain how "unfair" it is...


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (57) Jagdish N SinghDec 11, 2024 at 20:36

That is the sad truth Jagdish.


Edward C. StengelDec 11, 2024 at 06:34

Anti-Semitism has become the newest fad, although it's really the same soup warmed over. Whenever things go bad in the world, it's a way of taking one's frustrations out. It must be killing the anti-Semites to see Israel beating all these Arab nations put together, along with their mercenary armies.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (58) Edward C. StengelDec 12, 2024 at 15:48

Undoubtedly. It did in the late '40s!


Marianne WolksteinDec 11, 2024 at 06:31

The art world is also suffering from the same disease.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (59) Marianne WolksteinDec 11, 2024 at 13:03

Of course it is; they, too, were "born in sin"!


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (60) Marianne WolksteinDec 11, 2024 at 20:38

Marianne, that is right. The literary boycott was used as typologically in this essay - the animosity sadly extends to everything Jewish


David Ashton Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (61) Sandra SmithDec 15, 2024 at 19:52

Sandra, what is your view of the statement by some Jews and others that New Testament passages (e.g. I Thess 2.15, Matthew 27.25) ultimately resulted in the Holocaust, and of the statements in the Babylonian Talmud that Jesus was condemned for leading Israel astray and sent to hell?


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (62) David AshtonDec 16, 2024 at 12:42

They are in error. Psychology, before it "went insane itself", used to know that no one can "force" another to do that which he does not choose to do; now that choice may be made DUE to actions of others, such as threats to the person's own, or loved ones', life, but it IS still his choice. Martyrs for religious or political beliefs, particularly, prove this, in that they chose to stand on their beliefs, even at the price of loss of life. They were not compelled. So no, Biblical passages did not "cause" Nazis to do anything, including the Holocaust.
The Babylonian Talmud, like the Talmud in general, incorporates too many Rabbinic opinions of what Yhwh God said, as if Yhwh's Words too, which they are not. If you pay attention to Scripture's records written by the eye witnesses of what happened surrounding Yeshua, you'd know that Yeshua was "condemned" for being a threat to the Sanhedrin's "power" over the Israelis, politically, and spiritually, alike, NOT because He actually led anyone "astray" spiritually! Look at what's going on, and has been for yrs, around both Trump and Netanyahu, and happened to Bolsinaro as well... All 3 were attacked for exactly the SAME reason Yeshua was: they are "threats" to the perceived powers of certain people who were/ are in power at the time. Charges of claimed crimes are trumped up based on lies, and the attacks launched. In the case of Yeshua, it was allowed by Yhwh to be "successful" because it was NECESSARY for Yeshua to shed His pure blood in order to provide for the remission of all sins for all time, for those who accept the gift of redemption according to the manner set forth for doing so.
Bottom line, in both cases, those making these claims are simply wrong.


David Ashton Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (63) Sandra SmithDec 18, 2024 at 17:41

@ Sandra again, sorry dear.
You state that "Yeshua" had to "shed his pure blood" to "remit" the sins (only) of those who "accept the gift of redemption" in that manner. I find this totally weird, as indeed do Jews.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (64) David AshtonDec 19, 2024 at 12:49

Why "weird"? Do you not know Abraham was accounted righteous because his faith was in the promised Mashiach, and he was in Paradise already, according to the teaching of Yeshua, many centuries later, awaiting the Rapture with all the redeemed who had already died. In other words Avraham had accepted the gift of redemption, even though it was yet to come. So did David Elijah, Elisha, and all the rest of the "OT" saints.


David Ashton Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (65) Sandra SmithDec 19, 2024 at 17:31

What is weird is the concept of atonement by the designed torture and death of the "son of God"; it is an extension of the primitive idea of ransom through bloody sacrifice; cf. Steven Pinker, "The Better Angels of Our Nature" (2011). You obviously believe all the "history" in the Bible as literally true, plus your own personal interpretation (e.g. the Rapture).
Let us test this: Do you believe that all the human populations on earth descend not only from Adam and Eve, BUT FROM NOAH (with everyone else at the time even little babies killed by "Yhwh")? If so, what was the date of this Flood?


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (66) David AshtonDec 22, 2024 at 10:45

Then you have not read, or at least understood, the Torah (OT). "There is no remission of sin save by the shedding of blood"; "By His stripes are we healed." Those are but 2 key passages. Yeshua took upon Himself the penalty WE all deserve, unto the shedding of His blood on death. But then He ROSE again from death, conquering it once for all who choose to accept His gift to us. This is NOT "my interpretation" of anything, but straight forward expression of Biblical TRUTH, there for any to read and understand.
Matter of fact Geologists know and teach about the global flood. And in this century DNA studies show we are descended from just 4 mothers; ALL of us, regardless where we come from in more recent history: mitochondrial DNA doesn't lie. I don't know the exact date of the flood, because the various calendars don't agree on it, but the geology of the Earth does show it, and that was known some 60 yrs ago, taught in classes about the Earth's geological history. It was between 3500-4000 yrs ago.
You clearly either don't believe, or at best forgot, Yhwh reads hearts like we read primers; He knows the end from the beginning, and what each it those babies would grow up to be. The flood was His judgment on sinful humanity, and we are ALL born in sin! None is innocent.


BarryDec 11, 2024 at 06:31

The bans on Jews in science seems simply to be jealousy, nothing more than that.
The Jews have demonstrated their intelligence so often that their opponents can only throw a tantrum. Ultimately, antisemitism is a tantrum.
That Einstein was a Jew makes them scream out loud.


Frank Adam Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (67) BarryDec 11, 2024 at 11:40

Not just "our Albert" but also: Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx and Jesus of Nazereth, besides the circumstantial on Columbus. All changed the World's outlook even when not entirely correct nor practical.


David Ashton Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (68) Frank AdamDec 11, 2024 at 18:44

Better to cite the outstanding contribution of Jews to science and medicine, rather than these four individuals whose relationship to Judaism was problematic to say the least.
Antisemitism is a matter of complex connotation and explanation.
It is counter-productive to condemn as Jew-haters those who express concern about the death of children, however minimal or accidental, in the recent warfare.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (69) David AshtonDec 16, 2024 at 12:53

NOT, sir, when their feigned concern is based on lies about those they are calling the killers, often wrongfully entirely. Virtually every child in Gaza or Lebanon killed, even if by Israeli weapons, was actually killed by the actions of Hamas or Hezbollah either forcing them to remain in target areas, or directly killing them for attempting to flee the area. That's true of nearly all the civilians killed. Those blaming, without looking at the situation impartially, and without parsing the numbers of dead by their actual causes of death, are NOT innocent of guilt in their false charges. It would also be wise to remember WHO started the war by attacking civilians, including children, whose deaths seem to be inconsequential to those complainants, for all they were extremely intentional.


David Ashton Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (70) Sandra SmithDec 18, 2024 at 17:30

@ Sandra
I am concerned at the death or injury of any children wherever they are, and whoever is responsible for their fate. I condemn Hamas and in particular the seizure of hostages. I wish Israel with western support had supported the destruction of their rocket sites earlier. But I also think that Palestinians have some longstanding genuine concerns difficult to resolve, and I do not share any enthusiasm for a Middle East "Armageddon" which is welcomed by some "Christian" religious maniacs.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (71) David AshtonDec 19, 2024 at 13:39

We "welcome" not the death and mayhem but what is to follow it. Understand that the death that will occur then is a matter of free will choice,for all those of accountable ages (usually 12-14) or above, and for what Yhwh God foreknows the younger ones choices will be. We do not "welcome" it, we simply understand it's Yhwh's judgment against sinful humanity, as the flood in Noah's day was; the Divine response to prayers and cries for Justice to be rendered for all the as yet unpunished acts of evil.


Joe FernandezDec 11, 2024 at 06:27

Karma — the law of cause and effect — does not exist. Karma only exists if we create it.
What others do was their Karma. How we react was our Karma.

No one can escape Karma. Karma, ultimately, was about Time.

The Karmic forces, if neutralized through time, eventually exhaust themselves. Karma can return in repeated cycles. In Karma, those who block the clear energy will be moved out of the way.

Jew isn't about religion but culture. Jewish culture has parallels with Indian nationality and Chinese nationality, including the Diaspora, Indian and Chinese. The culture creates Karma, and the Karma creates the Karma. It's about a form of culture based on suffering. Buddha sought an end for human suffering and attained enlightenment. He saw nirvana — eternal bliss — viz. the end of suffering.

Einstein said that Buddha found what he was looking for and came nearest for science.

Buddha said, "you are what you think".
It would be more accurate if we say, "we think what we are". If we say that, "you are what you think", it implies creating something out of nothing. That isn't possible.

Buddha said, "you attract what you feel".
It would be more accurate if we say, "you feel what you are going to attract".

Buddha said, "you create what you imagine".
It would be more accurate if we say, "you imagine what you are going to create".

Einstein remains case in point on imagination.
Einstein, who took no IQ Test, credited daydreaming for his genius. Einstein, for all the brilliance, never learnt about balancing the cheque book. He was always broke. That means he never had savings. Einstein never learnt that only money that would not be missed could be saved. Dollar notes and coins would not be missed. Never spend dollar notes and coins. They, like household gold, are for rainy day.

Money can also be saved if ten percent of the monthly income was first taken out and kept somewhere safe. The money would not be missed.

Einstein never learnt about money that would not be missed. So, he was always broke, as seen in the inability for balancing the cheque book.

Intelligence, it's said, cannot be measured by IQ Test. IQ Test, it has been proven, only tell us about how good we are in doing IQ Test.

The true test of intelligence arises from the ability for learning from mistakes. If there's learning, the intelligence level increases.

If there are new mistakes, there can be learning. Old mistakes must never be repeated. If old mistakes are repeated, it shows incorrigibility, viz. inability for reforms and/or forms of mental illness and/or forms of insanity.

Insanity isn't a medical term but legal. The court, based on subject-matter expert opinion under the Mental Health Act, can declare a person insane and institutionalise for life and thereby keep the public from harm.

Conversion is not encouraged in Judaism. However, anyone can be a Jew. The issue of Jewish mothers are Jewish. The issue of Jewish fathers, if the mother is not a Jew, are not Jewish.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (72) Joe FernandezDec 16, 2024 at 13:16

You've kind of "rambled all over the map" here, sir... Exactly what is the point you're trying to make? Karma is the Hindu concept to explain what JudeoChristians see as Divine retribution, and Divine retribution does exist, whereas reincarnation does not, so if Yhwh God does punish, there is no 2nd chance: "it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment".
IQ tests measure capacity to learn, to understand, and to convey what is learned and understood.
Judaism is the religion begun initially but Avram following his call by Yhwh, but it was crystalized and codified by Moses, and Aaron, under the guidance of Yhwh during the Exodus period. Jewishness is a bloodline issue, around which, in conjunction with the religion, an unique culture grew up.
Insanity, indeed a legal term, has to do with a defendant's understanding of right and wrong, and the consequences of doing wrong, and thus his ability to stand trial for a crime. There is no option to institutionalized "for life" beyond "until he is able to stand trial for the initial crime". He may never reach that point, in which case he remains institutionalized. If he does reach it, the trial will determine future disposition of him, whether institution, prison, or whatever else may be on the table.
Conversion is not encouraged by Judaism, due to the bloodline connection to the religion.


Philip DaviesDec 11, 2024 at 06:18

'This dark time of post-truth, post-morality and spreading barbarism, especially in the West.'

So true and utterly terrifying.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (73) Philip DaviesDec 11, 2024 at 20:41

A good point Philip. We are now going from post-truth to a vigorous anti-truth - especially truth associated in any way with Jewishness.


Richard KronenfeldDec 11, 2024 at 05:44

We are witnessing the death knell of Western civilization. G-d help us all.


Sandra Smith Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (74) Richard KronenfeldDec 11, 2024 at 13:11

Take out the modifier "Western" there, sir. Like justice and truth, you either have civilization, or you do not! What we see taking over is the opposite of civilization: it may manifest as anarchy, or as tyranny, but neither is "civilized" in that the people have no real control of anything and no agreed-upon civil "contract" with each other and their leaders.


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (75) Richard KronenfeldDec 11, 2024 at 20:44

Richard, as western civilization seems to recede on the surface, there are signs of a counter-revolution which appears to be on the cards in the USA. Perhaps Europe will also correct its destructive path.


Dr David SalingerDec 11, 2024 at 05:35

Brought to you by QATAR !


NH Rebottled Jew-Hate: The Boycott of Jewish Genius (76) Dr David SalingerDec 14, 2024 at 05:54

Yes, David, the Brotherhood is at it again.


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