NetSuite REST API Browser: Record API (2024)

analyticsClickAttributesAnalytics Click Attributes:string

Add attributes for the Add To Cart button in this field. You can capture analytics data before your shopper gets to the shopping cart. For example: onclick="handleLink(this.href); return false;" The code inside handleLink() should be implemented to reconstruct the URL such that shopper identification parameters needed for your analytics package are added to the href.

analyticsSubmitAttributesAnalytics Submit Attributes:string

Add attributes for the Proceed to Checkout button in this field. You can capture analytics data when your shoppers go to checkout from the shopping cart. For example: onsubmit="handlePost(this); return true;" The code inside handlePost () should be implemented to add fields to the form such that shopper identification parameters needed for your analytics package are posted with the form.

assignNewCustomersToSiteAssign New Customers to this Site:boolean

Check this box to restrict customer access to this web site. All customers who register on this web site get access to a customer account on this website only. Note: Customers who were already registered on your site are not affected by this setting.

autoDownloadMediaAutomatically download published site media items:boolean

Check this box to automatically download a file or folder when you click the Download link in the file cabinet.

bSendCheckoutErrorEmailSend email of Checkout errors:boolean

You can receive alerts if errors occur during checkout and customers are unable to complete a purchase. Email alerts include a ticket number that refers to the error logged in NetSuite. If you are receiving several alerts, please contact NetSuite Customer Support with these ticket numbers to expedite a resolution. Email alerts can indicate any of the following problems: * Sales order creation failure * Transaction is out of balance * Custom field error - This can occur if an item option selected for an item in the shopping cart has been deleted or inactivated since it was added to the card. * Credit card processor error * Other problems that may prevent customers from checking out

bSendDownloadAvailableEmailSend email that Download is available:boolean

Check this box to send an email message informing the web customer that a file is ready for download.

bSendGiftCertificateConfEmailSend Gift Certificate Confirmation email:boolean

Check this box to send an email message to the web customer, confirming that a gift certificate was purchased.

bSendGiftCertificateEmailSend Gift Certificate email:boolean

Check this box to send an email message to gift certificate recipients.

bSendLicenseCodeEmailSend License Code email:boolean

Check this box to send an email message providing the web customer with a licence code.

bSendOrderApprovedConfEmailSend email when order is approved:boolean

Check this box to send email to customers when their orders are approved.

bSendOrderCancelledConfEmailSend email when order is cancelled:boolean

Check this box to send email to customers when their orders are canceled.

bSendOrderFulfilledConfEmailSend email when order is fulfilled:boolean

Check this box to send email to customers when their orders are fulfilled.

bSendOrderReceivedConfEmailSend email when order is received:boolean

Check this box to send an email message to customers when an order is received.

bSendPasswordRecoveryEmailSend Password Recovery email:boolean

Check this box to send password recovery email.

bSendRegistrationConfEmailSend Registration Confirmation Email:boolean

Check this box to send a registration confirmation email message to customers who sign up on your website.

bStrApproveOrderCopySend BCC Order Approved Emails:boolean

Select this box and enter your email address into the following text area if you want to receive copies of the Order Approved emails sent to your customers. If you do not select this, you won't receive copies of customers' email confirmation messages.

bStrCancelOrderCopySend BCC Order Cancelled Emails:boolean

Select this box and enter your email address into the following text area if you want to receive copies of the Order Canceled emails sent to your customers. If you do not select this, you won't receive copies of customers' email confirmation messages.

bStrEmailCopySend BCC Order Received Emails:boolean

Select this box and enter your email address into the following text area if you want to receive copies of the Order Received emails sent to your customers. If you do not select this, you won't receive copies of customers' email confirmation messages.

bStrEmailGiftConfCopySend BCC Gift Certificate Confirmation Emails:boolean

Select this box and enter your email address into the following text area if you want to receive copies of the Gift Certificate Confirmation emails sent to your customers. If you do not select this, you won't receive copies of customers' email confirmation messages.

bStrEmailGiftCopySend BCC Gift Certificate Emails:boolean

Select this box and enter your email address into the following text area to receive copies of the message sent to your customers when a gift certificate is purchased on your website. If you do not select this, you won't receive copies of customers' email confirmation messages.

bStrFulfillOrderCopySend BCC Order Fulfilled Emails:boolean

Select this box and enter your email address into the following text area if you want to receive copies of the Order Fulfilled emails sent to your customers. If you do not select this, you won't receive copies of customers' email confirmation messages.

bStrRegistrationConfCopySend BCC Registration Confirmation Emails:boolean

Check this box to receive copies of the message sent to your customers when they register on your website. If you do not check this, you will not receive copies of registration confirmation messages.

idInternal identifier:stringRECENT_LAST ,RECENT_FIRST
refNameReference Name:string
refNameReference Name:string
idInternal identifier:string88 ,89 ,-9960 ,90 ,91 ,-9965 ,92 ,-9966 ,93 ,-9967 ,94,-9968,95,-9961,96,-9962,97,98,10,-9964,99,11,12,13,14,18,1,-9970,-9971,-9976,-9977,-9978,-9979,-9972,20,-9974,21,-9975,-9907,22,-9908,23,-9909,24,-9903,-9904,-9905,28,-9906,-9980,-9981,-9982,-9987,-9988,-9989,-9901,-9902,-9983,30,-9984,-9985,-9986,-9918,-9919,35,36,-9914,-9915,39,-9916,-9917,-9990,-9991,-9992,-9993,-9910,-9998,-9999,-9911,-9912,-9913,40,-9994,41,-9995,-9996,-9997,44,-9929,45,46,47,48,-9925,49,-9926,-9927,-9928,-9921,-9922,-9923,50,-9924,52,-9920,55,56,57,58,59,-9936,-9938,-9939,-9892,-9893,-9894,-9932,-9899,-9933,60,-9934,61,-9935,62,-9895,63,-9896,-9930,64,-9931,-9898,66,67,68,69,-9947,-9948,-9943,70,-9944,71,-9945,72,-9946,73,74,-9940,75,-9941,76,-9942,77,78,79,-9958,-9959,80,-9954,81,-9955,82,-9956,83,-9957,84,-9950,85,-9951,86,-9952,87,-9953
refNameReference Name:string
ccRequireAuthProcess an online payment with Sales Order creation:boolean

Check this box to require authorization for your customer's credit card before you accept an order. This preference only applies to sales orders generated by transactions on your web site.

chromaSubsamplingChroma Subsampling:boolean

Check this box to apply chroma subsampling to the images. Chroma subsampling reduces the color information in favor of luminance data and results in image files that look the same but are smaller in size.

idInternal identifier:string
refNameReference Name:string
compressedImageQualityCompressed Image Quality:string

Select the quality level you want the compressed images to have: * Low (maximum compression) - minor reduction in quality * Standard - minor reduction in quality when images are zoomed * Optimum (recommended) – occasional minor reduction in quality when images are zoomed * Very High (minimum compression) - no noticeable reduction in quality at any time

confPageTrackingHtmlOrder Tracking Script HTML:string

Enter any tracking HTML you want to use in the header of the order confirmation page. This allows you to track the number of order you receive a day, for example.

createCustomersAsCompaniesCreate Customers as Companies:boolean

Check this box to have all customers who register in your site created as Company type. You must also check the Mandatory box to have customers created as companies. Clear this box to have all customers created as Individuals. Customers created as individuals can also be saved as contacts and have a first and last name saved on record with an optional Company field. Customers created as companies have a Contacts subtab for individuals in the company and a mandatory Company field.

refNameReference Name:string
descriptionFontSizeDescription Font Size:integer(int64)

Enter the font size you want to use for item and category descriptions in your Web site.

dispFirstLastnameSeparatelyDisplay First and Last Name in Separate Fields on Registration Page:boolean

Check this box to display separate fields for first and last name on the registration page. When this box is cleared, one field appears in which customers can enter their names. Note: Even when one Name field is displayed, both first and last names are required. Note also that this check box only affects Site Builder websites where the My Account extension is not applied.

displayCompanyFieldDisplay Company Field on Registration Page:boolean

Check this box to let customers enter a company name during the checkout process.

displayNameDisplay Name:string

This is the name for your site that displays in the heading of your Web store and in customers' browser windows.

displayUnsubscribeDisplay Unsubscribe to Email Checkbox on Registration Page:boolean

Check this box if you want to give customers the option to unsubscribe from your e-mail campaigns on your Web site when they register. To set the default for this field in your site, set the marketing preference at Setup > Marketing > Marketing Preferences.

doctypeHtmlDocument Type:string

Enter the code for the document type declaration of your Web site. This tells the browser the type of code you are using in your site. For example, if you are using HTML5, the document type declaration is: <!DOCTYPE html>

emailFooterFooter Text:string
emailHeaderHeader Text:string
enableGAIntegrationEnable Google Analytics Integration:boolean

Check this box to pass Google tracking cookies from shopping to checkout. This along with the fields on the Analytics subtab are required for cross-domain analytics tracking to integrate NetSuite with your Google Analytics account. Clear this box if Google Analytics Integration interferes with a custom solution you have already implemented for cross-domain tracking.

externalIdExternal ID:string
idInternal identifier:stringOCRB ,Garamond ,Trebuchet ,Times-Roman ,Univers ,OCRA ,MS Gothic ,Myriad Pro ,BARCODE ,Helvetica ,Times New Roman,Arial,Gothic,NotoSansArabic,Palatino,Verdana,Tahoma,ComicSans,UniversCondensed,Georgia,Open Sans
refNameReference Name:string
giftCerteAffectsMinAmountGift Certificate Affects Minimum Order Amount:boolean

This preference is for e-commerce merchants who require a minimum order amount for web store checkout. * When the box is checked, the gift certificate amount counts against the minimum order amount. Customers are not allowed to submit an order with a total order amount below the minimum requirement. * If you clear this box, a customer can successfully submit an order on your web site when a gift certificate brings the total order amount below the minimum requirement. The gift certificate amount and other credits (such as coupons) are excluded from the calculation of the total order amount.

hidePaymentPageWhenNoBalanceHide Payment Page If Order Total Equals Zero:boolean

Check this box to hide the payment page in the checkout process if the order is equal to zero. Some e-commerce sites offer promotional products for free. This preference allows web customers to put a promotional item in the cart, and complete checkout without being required to input payment information.

idInternal ID:string
idInternal identifier:stringSTANDARD ,ADVANCED
refNameReference Name:string
includeUncategorizedItemsShow Uncategorized Items:boolean

Check this box to display items in search results that have the Display in Web Site box checked, even if they are not published in your Web site. This can be useful if you have not categorized an item that is for sale. Clear this box to only allow search results to return items published on tabs and categories in your site.

includeVatWithPricesPrices Include Tax:boolean

For UK accounts, check this box to include VAT in the item prices on lists and descriptions in your site as follows: £100.00 (Incl. VAT).

internalIdInternal ID:integer(int64)
internalNameInternal Name:string

This is the name for your site that displays on lists in your NetSuite account. This name is not exposed to external customers.

idInternal identifier:string88 ,89 ,-9960 ,90 ,91 ,-9965 ,92 ,-9966 ,93 ,-9967 ,94,-9968,95,-9961,96,-9962,97,98,10,-9964,99,11,12,13,14,18,1,-9970,-9971,-9976,-9977,-9978,-9979,-9972,20,-9974,21,-9975,-9907,22,-9908,23,-9909,24,-9903,-9904,-9905,28,-9906,-9980,-9981,-9982,-9987,-9988,-9989,-9901,-9902,-9983,30,-9984,-9985,-9986,-9918,-9919,35,36,-9914,-9915,39,-9916,-9917,-9990,-9991,-9992,-9993,-9910,-9998,-9999,-9911,-9912,-9913,40,-9994,41,-9995,-9996,-9997,44,-9929,45,46,47,48,-9925,49,-9926,-9927,-9928,-9921,-9922,-9923,50,-9924,52,-9920,55,56,57,58,59,-9936,-9938,-9939,-9892,-9893,-9894,-9932,-9899,-9933,60,-9934,61,-9935,62,-9895,63,-9896,-9930,64,-9931,-9898,66,67,68,69,-9947,-9948,-9943,70,-9944,71,-9945,72,-9946,73,74,-9940,75,-9941,76,-9942,77,78,79,-9958,-9959,80,-9954,81,-9955,82,-9956,83,-9957,84,-9950,85,-9951,86,-9952,87,-9953
refNameReference Name:string

Check the Inactive box if you want to make a website inaccessible to users but you do not want to delete it permanently. An inactive site still retains internal references to other areas of NetSuite. For more information, see Making a Website Inactive.

isScriptableCartAndCheckoutScriptable Cart and Checkout:boolean

Check this box to run SuiteScript on the sales order form submitted during the web store checkout. To use scriptable checkout, you must customize a Standard Online Order form by adding your script to the transaction form. Check this box to activate your script during Web store checkout. Note: If you use terms for your customers, you must attach your checkout script to both a customized Online Order - Invoice form, and an Online Order - Cash Sales form.

isWebstoreOfflineTake Website Offline for Maintenance:boolean

Check this box to temporarily take your store or site offline for maintenance. When you have finished making changes, clear this check box and your store or site will be available for shoppers.


Select this check box to make this site an external catalog site. You can use the scripts available from the Web Site Developer's Kit (WSDK) to make the items in your NetSuite account display up-to-date pricing and availability information on your Web site. Go to Setup > Web Site > Preview Web Site for the WSDK links and scripts that integrate your site with NetSuite.

idInternal identifier:string-134 ,-178 ,-133 ,-177 ,-136 ,-135 ,-179 ,-130 ,-174 ,-173 ,-132,-176,-131,-175,-138,-137,-139,-150,-145,-101,-144,-100,-147,-103,-146,-102,-141,-140,-143,-142,-109,-108,-149,-105,-148,-104,-107,-106,-161,-160,-156,-112,-155,-111,-158,-114,-157,-113,-154,-110,-153,-119,-116,-159,-115,-118,-117,-170,-172,-171,-123,-122,-125,-124,-162,-121,-120,-127,-126,-129,-128
refNameReference Name:string
idInternal identifier:string-134 ,-178 ,-133 ,-177 ,-136 ,-135 ,-179 ,-130 ,-174 ,-173 ,-132,-176,-131,-175,-138,-137,-139,-150,-145,-101,-144,-100,-147,-103,-146,-102,-141,-140,-143,-142,-109,-108,-149,-105,-148,-104,-107,-106,-161,-160,-156,-112,-155,-111,-158,-114,-157,-113,-154,-110,-153,-119,-116,-159,-115,-118,-117,-170,-172,-171,-123,-122,-125,-124,-162,-121,-120,-127,-126,-129,-128
refNameReference Name:string
legacyCategoryDescriptionsLegacy Category Descriptions:boolean
legacyDenseListSupportLegacy Dense List Layout:boolean
legacyImageAttributeTagsLegacy Tag Support for Images:boolean

If this box is checked, tags that access any image attribute (image, thumbnail, or image custom field) return the file name. If this box is cleared, the URL the image is hosted from is returned. Clearing this box is preferred. By providing you with the complete URL, you can use the tag to construct embedded images or links to popup windows.

legacyNavigationLinksLegacy Navigation Style:boolean
legacyWelcomePageLegacy Welcome Page Style:boolean
loginAllowedAllow Login / Register:boolean
minimumOrderAmountMinimum Order Amount:number(double)
noActivateTabOnHostedPagesDon't Activate Hosted Page Tabs:boolean

Check this box if you do not want hosted pages to be associated with a tab in your store. For example, if you link to a hosted site from a tab, the hosted page does not inherit settings from the tab, such as custom tags. In addition, the tab is not highlighted as the tab being viewed.

nonCcPayMethodsAllowedAllow non-credit card payment methods during Checkout:boolean

Check this box to display custom payment methods that you create as alternatives to credit card payment methods. If you use Site Builder, checking this box will automatically display the payment method on the Payment Information page in the checkout process. If you operate a SuiteCommerce Advanced web site, a web developer can use the Commerce API to store the payment method selected on the web order. Additional customization is required. For more information, visit the Help Center, and read Creating an Alternative to Credit Card Payment Methods for Web Store Orders.

outputLineBreaksAsBrOutput Line Breaks as &lt;br&gt;:boolean

Check this box to covert any line break in descriptions fields for items, tabs or categories you've created in NetSuite to the BR tag.

pageWidthPage Width:string

To set a fixed width for your site, enter the width in pixels. When you set a fixed width, your site content stays the same width when site visitors change the browser window size.

passPromoCodeToCheckoutPass URL Promotion Code to Checkout:boolean

Check this box to automatically apply promotion codes passed through a link to items added to the shopping cart. When a shopper clicks a link with an appended promotion code that has an associated discount, the shopper will see the discount itemized and reflected in the order total on the last page of checkout. Create promotion codes at Lists > Marketing > Promotions > New. Append codes for promo codes to URL links using &promocode=[promotioncode]. For example, you can append the promo code for the fall clearance sale on t-shirts,

refNameReference Name:string
relatedItemsDescriptionRelated Items Description:string

Enter a brief description of the list of Related Items, that you set up in NetSuite. A list of related items will show on the item details page. For example, you can enter “If you like these items, you may also like:”

requestShippingAddressFirstAsk For Shipping Address First:boolean

Check this box to ask for customers' shipping addresses before their billing addresses during the Web store checkout process.

requireCompanyFieldMandatory Company Field on Registration Page:boolean

If you checked the field named Display Company Field on Registration Page, then check this box to make the Company field mandatory. Clear this box to make this field optional. You must check this box to create customer records of company type.

requireLoginForPricingRequire Login For Pricing:boolean

Check this box if you want item prices and the Add to Cart button hidden from customers who have not logged in. All item prices display the message “Please log in for price.” to customers who have not logged in. You can change or translate this message at Setup > Web Site > Customize Web Site Text on the Messages subtab. Note: Checking this box restricts most users from viewing prices on your website. However, pricing information can still be accessed using specific URLs that call the underlying APIs.

requireShippingInformationShipping Information is Required:boolean

Check this box to require shipping information to be entered before checking out of your Web store.

requireTermsAndConditionsRequire Terms and Conditions:boolean

Check this box to have customers to agree to the terms of the product or service they are buying before checking out of your store. This places an “I Agree” checkbox that customers must check to show that they agree to your terms. They can view the full terms and conditions by clicking a link that opens a popup window. If you use the Advanced Site Customization feature, you can customize the name of this checkbox at Setup > Web Site > Customize Web Site Text.

sApproveOrderCopyEmailBCC Order Approved Recipient Emails:string
sCancelOrderCopyEmailBCC Order Canceled Recipient Emails:string
sEmailAddrForErrorSend email of Checkout errors to address:string

If you opt to receive checkout error email, enter the email address where you would like to receive the error alerts.

sFromCheckoutErrorEmailSend email of Checkout errors from address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromDownloadAvailableEmailDownload availability email sent from address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromGiftCertificateConfEmailGift Certificate Confirmation sent from email address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromGiftCertificateEmailGift Certificate sent from email address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromLicenseCodeEmailSend License Code email from this address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromOrderApprovedConfEmailOrder approval email sent from address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromOrderCancelledConfEmailCanceled order email sent from address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromOrderFulfilledConfEmailOrder fulfillment email sent from address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromOrderReceivedConfEmailOrder received email sent from address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to web store customers. If you operate multiple web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromPasswordRecoveryEmailSend Password Recovery email from this address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFromRegistrationConfEmailRegistration Confirmation email sent from address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email messages are sent to Web store customers. If you operate multiple Web sites, you can enter a different address for each site.

sFulfillOrderCopyEmailBCC Order Fulfilled Recipient Emails:string
sRegistrationConfEmailCopyBCC Registration Confirmation Recipient Emails:string

If you checked the BCC Confirmation Email box, enter the email address here that you want to receive web store registration confirmation email. You can enter more than one address separated by a comma.

sStoreEmailAddrForCopyBCC Order Received Recipient Emails:string

If you checked the BCC Confirmation Email box, enter the email address here that you want to receive store order confirmation email. You can enter more than one address separated by a comma.

sStoreEmailAddrForGiftConfCopyBCC Gift Certificate Confirmation Recipient Emails:string
sStoreEmailAddrForGiftCopyBCC Gift Certificate Recipient Emails:string

If you checked the BCC Order Received Email box or the BCC Gift Certificate Emails box, enter the email address where you want to send copies of the message. You can enter more than one address separated by a comma.

idInternal identifier:string88 ,89 ,-9960 ,90 ,91 ,-9965 ,92 ,-9966 ,93 ,-9967 ,94,-9968,95,-9961,96,-9962,97,98,10,-9964,99,11,12,13,14,18,1,-9970,-9971,-9976,-9977,-9978,-9979,-9972,20,-9974,21,-9975,-9907,22,-9908,23,-9909,24,-9903,-9904,-9905,28,-9906,-9980,-9981,-9982,-9987,-9988,-9989,-9901,-9902,-9983,30,-9984,-9985,-9986,-9918,-9919,35,36,-9914,-9915,39,-9916,-9917,-9990,-9991,-9992,-9993,-9910,-9998,-9999,-9911,-9912,-9913,40,-9994,41,-9995,-9996,-9997,44,-9929,45,46,47,48,-9925,49,-9926,-9927,-9928,-9921,-9922,-9923,50,-9924,52,-9920,55,56,57,58,59,-9936,-9938,-9939,-9892,-9893,-9894,-9932,-9899,-9933,60,-9934,61,-9935,62,-9895,63,-9896,-9930,64,-9931,-9898,66,67,68,69,-9947,-9948,-9943,70,-9944,71,-9945,72,-9946,73,74,-9940,75,-9941,76,-9942,77,78,79,-9958,-9959,80,-9954,81,-9955,82,-9956,83,-9957,84,-9950,85,-9951,86,-9952,87,-9953
refNameReference Name:string
saveCreditInfoSave Credit Card Info by Default:boolean

Check this box to save customer credit card information by default. If you check the Display Save My Credit Card Infor Field box, customers can still opt to clear this box in your site if they do not want card information saved. Note: If you have website customers that are companies with multiple contacts, do not check this box. A contact is a company-owned entity. A credit card created by a contact will be available to other contacts associated with that company.

idInternal identifier:string88 ,89 ,-9960 ,90 ,91 ,-9965 ,92 ,-9966 ,93 ,-9967 ,94,-9968,95,-9961,96,-9962,97,98,10,-9964,99,11,12,13,14,18,1,-9970,-9971,-9976,-9977,-9978,-9979,-9972,20,-9974,21,-9975,-9907,22,-9908,23,-9909,24,-9903,-9904,-9905,28,-9906,-9980,-9981,-9982,-9987,-9988,-9989,-9901,-9902,-9983,30,-9984,-9985,-9986,-9918,-9919,35,36,-9914,-9915,39,-9916,-9917,-9990,-9991,-9992,-9993,-9910,-9998,-9999,-9911,-9912,-9913,40,-9994,41,-9995,-9996,-9997,44,-9929,45,46,47,48,-9925,49,-9926,-9927,-9928,-9921,-9922,-9923,50,-9924,52,-9920,55,56,57,58,59,-9936,-9938,-9939,-9892,-9893,-9894,-9932,-9899,-9933,60,-9934,61,-9935,62,-9895,63,-9896,-9930,64,-9931,-9898,66,67,68,69,-9947,-9948,-9943,70,-9944,71,-9945,72,-9946,73,74,-9940,75,-9941,76,-9942,77,78,79,-9958,-9959,80,-9954,81,-9955,82,-9956,83,-9957,84,-9950,85,-9951,86,-9952,87,-9953
refNameReference Name:string
idInternal identifier:string88 ,89 ,-9960 ,90 ,91 ,-9965 ,92 ,-9966 ,93 ,-9967 ,94,-9968,95,-9961,96,-9962,97,98,10,-9964,99,11,12,13,14,18,1,-9970,-9971,-9976,-9977,-9978,-9979,-9972,20,-9974,21,-9975,-9907,22,-9908,23,-9909,24,-9903,-9904,-9905,28,-9906,-9980,-9981,-9982,-9987,-9988,-9989,-9901,-9902,-9983,30,-9984,-9985,-9986,-9918,-9919,35,36,-9914,-9915,39,-9916,-9917,-9990,-9991,-9992,-9993,-9910,-9998,-9999,-9911,-9912,-9913,40,-9994,41,-9995,-9996,-9997,44,-9929,45,46,47,48,-9925,49,-9926,-9927,-9928,-9921,-9922,-9923,50,-9924,52,-9920,55,56,57,58,59,-9936,-9938,-9939,-9892,-9893,-9894,-9932,-9899,-9933,60,-9934,61,-9935,62,-9895,63,-9896,-9930,64,-9931,-9898,66,67,68,69,-9947,-9948,-9943,70,-9944,71,-9945,72,-9946,73,74,-9940,75,-9941,76,-9942,77,78,79,-9958,-9959,80,-9954,81,-9955,82,-9956,83,-9957,84,-9950,85,-9951,86,-9952,87,-9953
refNameReference Name:string
searchForCategoriesInclude Categories in Search Results:boolean

Check the Show Categories in Search Results box to include relevant categories in search results. Clearing this box returns only relevant items.

searchForInformationItemsInclude Information Items in Search Results:boolean

Check the Show Information Items in Search Results check box to include items of type Information Item in the search results when a global search is performed in the web store. If this box is unchecked, then, items of this type will not be included/displayed in the search results.

idInternal identifier:string
refNameReference Name:string
idInternal identifier:string
refNameReference Name:string
shipsToAllCountriesWebsite Ships to All Countries:boolean

Check this box to allow orders placed in the Web store to be shipped to any country. Clear this box to limit the countries you ship to using the Countries Web Store ships to field.

showBillingAddressDisplay Billing Address:boolean
showCartSummaryPortletShow Cart Summary:boolean

Check this box to include the Shopping Cart portlet in your Web site.This portlet shows what customers currently have in their shopping carts.

showCookieConsentBannerShow Cookie Consent Banner:boolean

Check this box to publish a banner requesting that shoppers comply with the use of cookies on your site.

showCurrencyPortletShow Website Currency:boolean

Check this box to allow web site customers to choose a currency for shopping in your store. When you check this box, an online shopper can select a currency on your site's Home page. After a currency is selected, all item prices will appear in the selected currency. For more information, visit SuiteAnswers, and read the topic, Multiple Currencies in the Web Store.

showExtendedCartShow Extended Cart:boolean

The extended cart allows shoppers to add the following information on the shopping cart page: * Coupon code * Gift certificate * Shipping information To display additional fields for entering shipping information, you must enable both preferences, Show Shipping Estimator in Cart and Show Extended Cart.

showNavigationPortletShow Navigation Portlet:boolean

Check this box to include the Item Navigation portlet in your site. This portlet appears on the left side of your site and lets customers navigate between items and categories. You can set preferences for this portlet on site themes if you use the Advanced Site Customization feature.

showOrderTrackinglinkDisplay Order Tracking Link:boolean
showPOFieldOnPaymentDisplay Purchase Order Field on Payment Info Page:boolean

Check this box to show a text field on the Payment Information page of your store where customers can enter Purchase Order numbers. The Purchase Order number entered will automatically appear on sales orders generated from your Web store.

showQuantityPricinginListsShow Quantity Pricing in Lists:boolean

Check this box to show a table with item quantities and prices in lists for items that have price breaks in certain quantities. If you do not check this box, the pricing table shows when the item name is clicked to view details, but the single quantity price is displayed in lists.

showSaveCreditInfoDisplay 'Save My Credit Card Info' Field:boolean

Check this box to allow customers to save their credit card information wth their login for use the next time they shop with you. When customers opt to save credit card info during checkout, the credit card info is stored on the customer record and available as a payment choice the next time they check out. Note: If you have website customers that are companies with multiple contacts, do not check this box. A contact is a company-owned entity. A credit card created by a contact will be available to other contacts associated with that company.

showSearchPortletShow Search:boolean

Check this box to display the Search portlet in your Web site. Customers can use this system-generated search entry field to search for products or information on your site.

showShippingEstimatorShow Shipping Estimator in Cart:boolean
  • In Site Builder websites, check this box to give customers an estimate of shipping costs before they complete shipping information in checkout. The lowest estimated shipping cost is displayed by default. If you offer real-time rates, a customer can enter a zip code to receive an estimate. If the order qualifies for free shipping, “Free Shipping” is displayed. * In SuiteCommerce Advanced websites, you can check this box if you do not have a default Shipping Method chosen. The Shipping Estimator shows the lowest shipping cost from available Shipping Methods.
showTellAFriendLinkShow "Tell a Friend" Link:boolean

Checking this box adds a “Tell A Friend” link to the detailed description page for each item published to your site. When a shopper on your site clicks the Tell a Friend link, an email editor opens up. The subject of the email message is “Hi There,” by default. The content includes the text, “I thought you would like to have a look at this product at,” followed by a link to the item on your site. You can customize the text in the email message by going to Setup > Standard Storefront > Customize Text.

siteLoginRequiredPassword-Protect Entire Site:boolean

Check this box to require a login and password to view any page in your site. Once visitors log in, they can navigate through pages in your site freely. You must give customers access in your account for them to be able to view your site if you check this box. Note: Checking this box restricts most users from being able to access your website without logging in. However, item information and other website content can still be accessed using specific URLs that call the underlying APIs.

refNameReference Name:string
idInternal identifier:stringCENTER ,LEFT ,RIGHT
refNameReference Name:string
refNameReference Name:string
siteUsesCartTagsSite Uses Cart Summary Tags:boolean

Check this box if you use Web site tags to display the list of items in the shopping cart.

siteUsesDropShadowsSite Uses Drop Shadows:boolean
storeEmailDefault Website Email From Address:string

Enter the email address that should show in the From field when email notification and confirmation is sent to Web site customers. This field is optional. Note: This address is only used if you leave the Email From Address field blank on any of the email template subtabs.

stripMetadataStrip metadata:boolean

Check this box to remove all metadata (such as camera details, caption, copyright information) from the images.

termsAndConditionsHtmlTerms and Conditions HTML:string

Enter HTML code for the terms and conditions text that should be available from your Web site. Customers can click a link to view this text in a popup window before agreeing to the terms.

titleFontSizeTitle Font Size:integer(int64)

Enter the font size you want to use for item and category titles in your Web site.

upsellDescriptionUpsell Description:string

Enter a brief description of the upsell correlated items list to show above the list of recommended items in your site. For example, you can enter “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought:”

refNameReference Name:string
upsellMinimumCorrelationMinimum Correlation % for Upsell:number(double)

Enter the minimum correlation percentage an item should have to the item being viewed or items in the cart. Correlation percentage measures how often items are purchased together.

upsellMinimumCountMinimum Number of Buyers for Upsell:integer(int64)

Only items with a greater count than what you set here are displayed. Count represents the number of customers that have purchased both the items being viewed or in the cart and the upsell item recommendations.

upsellMinimumLiftMinimum Lift % for Upsell:number(double)

Only items with greater lift than what you set here are displayed. Lift is the degree to which the item's correlation exceeds its overall purchase frequency. A high lift implies a more reliable correlation.

useUrlFileExtensionUse File Extension:boolean

Check this box to optimize descriptive URLs. This preference does the following: * On a file hosted in the file cabinet, it includes the extension for the image, or HTML file in the URL. * On URLs that point to tabs and categories, it includes a trailing slash.

idInternal identifier:stringCENTER ,LEFT ,RIGHT
refNameReference Name:string
websiteLogoLinkUrlLogo Link URL:string

Enter the URL you want to use as a hyperlink when site visitors click your logo. If you don't want to create a hyperlink for your logo, leave this field blank.

refNameReference Name:string
idInternal identifier:stringSHOWCART ,SAMEPAGE
refNameReference Name:string
webstoreMetaTagsAddition to <head>:string

Enter data for the header in this field. You can enter a script to capture web analytics. For information, see the Web Analytics Tools Preferences help topic. In this field, you can also add Meta Tag HTML to appear in the < head > section of all your Web store pages. Note that Meta tags entered on Category and Tab pages are more effective for the purpose of search engine optimization (SEO).

wsdkCancelCartUrlShopping cart page Continue Shopping link URL:string

The URL you provide is a link back into your website. When shoppers on your site click the Continue Shopping link displayed in NetSuite checkout, they are redirected to the page defined in the URL you enter in this field. By defining the link back to the appropriate page of your site, you complete integration of the NetSuite checkout pages with your site.

wsdkCancelCheckoutUrlCheckout page Cancel link URL:string

The URL you provide is a link from the Cancel link on the Checkout page back to your website. If a customer on your website chooses to cancel checkout, they will be redirected to your website. By defining the link back to the appropriate page of your site, you complete integration of the NetSuite checkout page with your site.

wsdkCancelLoginUrlLogin/registration page Cancel link URL:string

The URL you provide is for the Cancel link on the Login/Registration page. If shoppers on your site choose not to complete registration on your site, they can click the Cancel link, and be redirected back to your website. By defining the link back to the appropriate page of your site, you complete integration of the NetSuite Login/Registration page with your site.

wsdkCompleteCheckoutUrlURL to go to after checkout is complete:string

The URL you provide is a link from the Checkout page back to your website. By defining the link back to the appropriate page of your site, you complete integration of the NetSuite checkout page with your site.

wsdkCompleteLoginUrlURL to go to after login/registration is complete:string

The URL you provide is a link from the Login/Registration page back into your website. By defining the link back to the appropriate page of your site, you complete integration of the NetSuite shopping cart.

NetSuite REST API Browser: Record API (2024)
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Article information

Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6133

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.