He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Characters - Comic Vine (2025)

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    He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Characters - Comic Vine (1)

    Volume »

    Short summary describing this volume.


    • He-Man 6 Prince Adam, is the seemingly worry and careless prince of the planet Eternia, but he really is He-Man, "The Most Powerful Man in the Universe" and brave champion of Eternia, He-Man battles Skeletor and the forces of evil to bring peace to the universe along with his trusty companion Battle Cat and The Masters of the Universe.
    • Skeletor 6 A self proclaimed Overlord of Evil, is the sworn enemy of He-Man. Skeletor is the embodiment of evil. His own corruption is what turned him into his present form.
    • Teela 5 He-Man's oldest ally and childhood friend. Although she is raised by Man-At-Arms, her true parentage is hidden from her, as she is actually the sorceress' daughter. She later takes on the power of the sorceress of Grayskull.
    • Man-At-Arms 4 Duncan, Man-At-Arms to the royal Eternian Court, is not only a brave warrior, but also an inventor and scientist. Mentor to the young Prince, he is one of the few who knows He-Man's true identity.
    • Evil-Lyn 3 She is Skeletor's second-in-command, although her loyalty is questionnable. She is amongst the most intellectual and scheming of He-Man's villains.
    • Beast-Man 3 An enemy of He-Man and Skeletor's ally.
    • The Sorceress 3 The Sorceress is the guard of Castle Greyskull and the powers of King Greyskull which she gave to Prince Adam to become He-Man. She is also the mother of Teela.
    • Battle Cat 2 Battle Cat is He-Man's trusted Companion. Most people know him as Cringer, Prince Adam's cowardly tiger. With his magical sword, Adam turns into He-Man, and turns Cringer into Battle Cat! Loyal to his Master this beast is He-Man's source of transportation and a powerful being all on his own.
    • Mer-Man 2 Merman is one of the Evil Warriors, he controls the water and aquatic life-forms. He's not too loyal to Skeletor.
    • Trap Jaw 2 Trap Jaw, as a henchman of Skeletor, has the ability to bite through any substance and can change his right arm into different weapons during battle against He-Man and the Masters.
    • Stratos 1 Stratos is Lord of the Birdmen of Avion and a member of the Masters of the Universe. He is one of He-Man's trusted friends.
    • Roboto 1 Robot Master built by Man-At-Arms.
    • Ram-Man 1 Ram-Man is the strongest member of MOTU next to He-Man. He rams his enemies with his head. He wears a huge reinforced helmet and shoulder armor, his second weapon of choice is an axe.
    • Moss Man 1 Mossman is a powerful nature shaman able to control plants.

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    He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Characters - Comic Vine (17)

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