Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (2024)

Every new Expansion comes with a new XP grind, be it to earn your Season Pass rewards or upgrade the seasonal Artifact. For the longest time, XP farming in Destiny 2 was too reliant on bounties. But finally, Bungie relented and replaced some of them with Seasonal challenges.

This guide covers how XP works, why it matters, and lists every XP source in the game, including bounties and challenges.

Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (1)Updated as of Season of Defiance (S20). See Updates.

Best XP Farm in Destiny 2: Bounties & Challenges

If you’re looking to efficiently earn XP, you don’t really have a choice but to grab the best bounties, combine them with the new Seasonal Challenges and work on them simultaneously:

SourceLocationFrequencyBase XPCost (glimmer)RequiresRequirements
War Table RepeatableH.E.L.MRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (2)

Season 20

Season 20
War Table Daily (x4)H.E.L.MDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (3)

Season 20

Season 20
Vex Incursions WeeklyNeomunaWeekly12,0001000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (4)


Nimbus RepeatableNeomunaRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (5)


Nimbus Daily (x4)NeomunaDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (6)


Fynch RepeatableThrone WorldRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (7)

The Witch Queen

The Witch Queen
Fynch Daily (x4)Throne WorldDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (8)

The Witch Queen

The Witch Queen
Xûr RepeatableEternityRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (9)


Xûr Daily (x4)EternityDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (10)


Starhorse Daily (x3)EternityDaily6,0003 Strange CoinsDestiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (11)


Starhorse Weekly (x3)EuropaWeekly12,00014 Strange CoinsDestiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (12)

Beyond Light

Beyond Light
Varyks RepeatableEuropaRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (13)

Beyond Light

Beyond Light
Varyks Daily (x3)EuropaDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (14)

Beyond Light

Beyond Light
Varyks WeeklyEuropaWeekly12,0001000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (15)

Beyond Light

Beyond Light
Shaw Han RepeatableCosmodromeRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (16)


Shaw Han Daily (x4)CosmodromeDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (17)


Shaw Han Weekly (x2)CosmodromeWeekly12,0001000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (18)


Eris Morn RepeatableMoonRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (19)


Eris Morn Daily (x4)MoonDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (20)


Gunsmith RepeatableTowerRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (21)


Gunsmith Daily (x4)TowerDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (22)


Vanguard RepeatableTowerRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (23)


Vanguard DailyTowerDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (24)


Crucible RepeatableTowerRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (25)


Crucible DailyTowerDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (26)


Gambit RepeatableTowerRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (27)


Gambit Daily (x4)TowerDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (28)


Trials RepeatableTowerRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (29)


Trials Daily (x4)TowerDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (30)


Trials Weekly (x2)TowerWeekly12,0001000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (31)


Lectern of EnchantmentMoonRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (32)


Lectern of Enchantment Daily (x4)MoonDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (33)


Lectern of Enchantment Weekly (x2)MoonWeekly12,0005 FragmentsDestiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (34)


EDZ and Nessus Daily (x3)DestinationsDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (35)


Petra Venj Ascendant ChallengeDreaming CityWeekly6,000500Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (36)


Petra Venj WeeklyDreaming CityWeekly6,000500Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (37)


Petra Venj Daily (x5)DestinationsDaily1,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (38)


Seasonal Event RepeatableTowerRepeatable4,0003000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (39)


Seasonal Event Daily (x4)TowerDaily6,000250Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (40)


Seasonal Event Weekly (x2)TowerWeekly12,0001000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (41)


Gunsmith Weekly challenge

Complete 8 Gunsmith bounties

TowerWeekly12,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (42)


Vanguard Weekly challenge

Complete 8 Gunsmith bounties

TowerWeekly12,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (43)


Crucible Weekly challenge

Complete 8 Gunsmith bounties

TowerWeekly12,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (44)


Gambit Weekly challenge

Complete 8 Gunsmith bounties

TowerWeekly12,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (45)


Clan Weekly challenge

Complete 8 Gunsmith bounties

TowerWeekly12,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (46)


Iron Banner Challenges (x4)TowerMontly12,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (47)


Seasonal ChallengesDirectorSeasonal
25,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (48)


2X Seasonal Challenges

(Grants x2 XP)

50,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (49)


4X Seasonal Challenges

(Grants x4 XP)

100,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (50)


8X Seasonal Challenges

(Grants x8 XP)

200,0000Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (51)



Notice you can filter this list by Destination, cost, Expansion requirements, and more.

Why XP is important in Destiny 2

In Destiny 2, XP is needed for only two things:

  1. Unlocking your Season Pass rewards
  2. Upgrading your Seasonal Artifact to unlock Mods and bonus Power Levels

This part is simple. Getting the XP is another story, though.

Season Pass Rewards

Destiny 2’s Season Pass works in the same way as in any other online shooter. The pass has 2 different tracks, a free track and a track reserved for Season Pass owners only, and each track has 100 levels to unlock.

The premium track obviously offers more rewards, but it’s important to know this: the best rewards are part of the Free track.This includes the new Exotic weapon, Legendary weapons, Exotic cipher, and more.

Even if you don’t purchase the Season Pass, you still want to grind XP and get all the rewards the Free track has to offer. They are well worth it.

Seasonal Artifact and Mods

The seasonal Artifact plays an important role in Destiny 2. Not only does it grant extra Power Levels, but it also includes several Seasonal Mods.

The extra Power Levels are useful for high-end content and will help you along with your Max Power Level grind. The Seasonal Mods, on the other hand, are mandatory. These include the Anti-barrier, Overload, and Unstoppable mods needed to deal with Champions, on top of extremely powerful mods.

Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (53)

Destiny 2 XP, Seasonal Artifact

Needless to say, XP plays an essential part in preparing you for the most difficult end-game content in the game, including solo Master Lost Sectors. Plus, the exotics and legendary weapons are always good to have.

How to farm XP in Destiny 2

Farming XP as fast as possible used to require grinding XP on all three characters! This is still somewhat true, but with the introduction of Seasonal Challenges, players with only one character can earn XP much faster than before.

Now that we have a good understanding of what bounties give the most XP, it’s time to combine them with the Seasonal Challenges and get them done as quickly as possible.

First, a disclaimer:This guide will focus on how to maximize XP farming without having to mindlessly run Lost Sectors but also earn Powerful/Pinnacle gear and Bright Dust in the process!

Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (54)

Best Practices

These are the best practices and principles you should always follow to maximize XP:

Always have a Ghost with a Blinding Light Mod

With the new Ghost 2.0 system in Beyond Light, you can now choose your own mods and prioritize your Ghost’s bonuses based on your activities. Without going too much into the details, all you need to know is that you want the biggest Blinding Light Mod possible. With the Blinding Light mod that costs 6 Energy, you can get a +12% bonus XP!

Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (55)

Trust me, that bonus will count in the long run…

Turn in your bounties only when in a Fireteam

The Season Pass grants bonus XP called Shared Wisdom when you’re part of a Fireteam. Therefore, you ideally want to always be in a Fireteam when turning in bounties.

Season Pass levelXP Fireteam Boost
Level 52%
Level 262%
Level 562%
Level 862%

These bonuses are part of the Premium track of the Season Pass.

Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (56)

If you’re a solo player, you can do what I often do:

  1. Go to Europa or the Cosmodrome and find an active Public event with other guardians
  2. Join a random guardian’s Fireteam (open your Director, head over to Roster and join someone with an open Fireteam)
  3. Tell them you’re there to help with the event
  4. Turn all your bounties
  5. Help with the event
  6. Leave the Fireteam

This is somewhat tedious, so I only do it at the end of a very long session when my inventory is full of completed bounties to turn it.

Use the official Destiny 2 Companion app

The Destiny 2 companion app on iOS and Android has always been good. It features an Inventory manager, group finder, and more. But it recently received a huge quality of live improvement: the ability to pick up bounties from the app instead of having to visit every vendor in the game one by one!

If you’re serious about grinding bounties, this app is a must-have.

Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (57)

Purchase the Season Pass

The Season Pass grants a +20% XP bonus at Rank 1 (i.e., immediately at the start of the Season). This percentage steadily increases as you earn more Seasonal Ranks, making it a huge XP bonus.

Season Pass levelXP Boost
Level 120%
Level 72%
Level 162%
Level 362%
Level 462%
Level 662%
Level 762%

These bonuses are part of the Premium track of the Season Pass.

Stay away from repeatable bounties

Repeatable bounties can help speed the process, but they are very expensive and sometimes longer to complete than the average daily bounty. But I prefer to switch activities once all the dailies are done.

For example, after completing all of Europa’s bounties, I head over to the Cosmodrome, then the Moon, then focus on Crucible bounties, etc.

Before you go…

Keep in mind that earning XP is only part of the equation in Destiny 2. You’ll also want to chase in parallel Pinnacle rewards to eventually reach the max Power level.

Now you know everything there is to know about maximizing your XP farming in Destiny 2. Did I miss any other important tips? Come over to our Discord server and let me know!

See latest Updates

We keep our content up to date! These are the latest changes made to this guide:

  • Jan 12, 2023: General updates connected to Seasons 18 & 19.
  • Jun 6, 2022: General updates connected to Season 17: Crown of Sorrow bounties added, War Table bounties removed.

Stay tuned, and don’t forget to bookmark this page for next season!

Destiny 2 XP Farm guide in Lightfall [Bounty chart] (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.