Colorado Parks And Wildlife Reissue List (2024)

1. Leftover (Remaining) and Reissued Licenses | Colorado Parks and ...

  • Limited licenses that weren't issued in the primary or secondary draws go on the Leftover List. Reissued licenses also go onto the list.

  • Limited licenses that weren't issued in the primary or secondary draws go on the Leftover List. Reissued licenses also go onto the list. These are available for purchase in person, online or at sales agents.

Leftover (Remaining) and Reissued Licenses | Colorado Parks and ...

2. Hunting License Refunds, Reversals and Exchanges | Colorado Parks ...

  • NEW - ALL license exchanges will be charged a flat rate of $5.00. There are no refunds or preference point restorations available on exchanged licenses.

  • Refund and Preference Point Restoration Process

3. Remaining Colorado Big Game Hunting License Options

Remaining Colorado Big Game Hunting License Options

4. Colorado's 2024 Big Game Hunting License Secondary Draw

  • 18 jun 2024 · Please visit the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website to learn more about License Refunds, Reissues, Reversals, and Exchanges. Helpful Resources.

  • The secondary draw is a great way to get Colorado big game hunting licenses remaining from the primary draw without having to wait to get your license over the counter.

Colorado's 2024 Big Game Hunting License Secondary Draw

5. Draw Process Working Group | Engage CPW

  • Our weekly reissue opportunities provide equal access to all hunters. The reissue list is not intended to be "fair" or convoluted, nor should it divert ...

  • The Draw Process Working Group has concluded their final work session. Recommendations from the working group’s final work session, and other topics considered by the working group, were heard by the Parks and Wildlife Commission (PWC) as an informational item at their

6. Colorado Parks and Wildlife IPAWS: Home

  • Bevat niet: list | Resultaten tonen met:list

  • Whether you are looking to get outside and go camping, find a hunting reservation or get your fishing license, Colorado Parks and Wildlife has what you need for the perfect outdoor experience.

7. Colorado Hunting 2024 | Big Game Seasons, Licenses, Units, Dates

  • Resources and information on Colorado Big Game Hunting for 2024. Applications, Deadlines, Fees, Results, and Links.

8. Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts policy for big ...

  • 14 jun 2024 · These policies are for annual hunting licenses for deer, elk, pronghorn, moose and black bear. The big game season structure helps ensure ...

  • The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission held a public meeting in Winter Park on Wednesday, June 12, regarding the 2025-29 big game season structure and passed policies for resident and nonresident hunters. These policies are...

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission adopts policy for big ...

9. Issuer Locations - Colorado Parks and Wildlife IPAWS

  • Search for Agent Locations. Search for Agents by: Agent Name: - Or -. City: Aguilar, Akron, Alamosa, Almont, Antonito, Arboles, Arvada, Aspen, Aurora ...

  • Items in your cart will be held for 

Colorado Parks And Wildlife Reissue List (2024)


How to get Colorado leftover tags? ›

Leftover (Remaining) Limited License

You can purchase licenses online at, by phone at 1-800-244-5613 and at sales agents around the state. These returned limited licenses (excluding Ranching for Wildlife) will be available on the leftover list.

Does Colorado Secondary Draw use preference points? ›

You must have a qualifying license to apply for the secondary draw. Fall turkey licenses are now valid qualifying licenses! The $8.00 resident and $10.00 nonresident application fees apply. The secondary draw does not use preference points, and you cannot apply for preference points.

What is the minimum acreage to hunt in Colorado? ›

The Landowner Preference Program was created to give landowners a preference for hunting licenses. For a landowner to qualify for the program, the land must meet all of the following qualifications as shown by a recorded deed: Be a minimum of 160 contiguous acres of private agricultural land.

Can you get over the counter mule deer tags in Colorado? ›

But even if you're a nonresident, there are many good mule deer hunts that can be drawn with very few points. Unlike elk in Colorado, there are no over-the-counter licenses for mule deer. All mule deer tags are issued in the annual big game draw. The application deadline is the first Tuesday in April.

Is Colorado getting rid of OTC elk tags? ›

Colorado to eliminate OTC archery elk tags for non-residents in 2025 | KRDO.

Can you buy a cow elk tag over the counter in Colorado? ›

Elk tags can be bought over the counter (OTC) or acquired by drawing through the lottery tag system. Both bull and cow elk licenses/tags are $66.12 for residents, and non-residents will pay $803.39 for both a bull or cow tag (prices subject to change annually).

Can you lose Colorado preference points? ›

Once a hunter applies and successfully draws their first choice license, they will forfeit all of their preference points (regular and weighted).

Can you just buy a preference point in Colorado? ›

All applicants, including youth, must purchase a qualifying license even when they only want to purchase a preference point. Qualifying licenses could be the following: Annual licenses (valid March 1 to 31): Annual resident and nonresident small game.

What tags are available for Colorado secondary draw? ›

Most elk, deer, pronghorn and bear licenses not issued through the primary draw are available in a secondary draw.

What is the 35 acre rule in Colorado? ›

Colorado Revised Statutes allow lands in Colorado to be divided into 35-acre developments or parcels without going through County subdivision review. In June 1995, the process of Land Preservation Subdivision Exemption (LPS) was created to offer alternatives to 35-acre subdivisions and help preserve open space.

Can I hunt on my own land without a license in Colorado? ›


Much of the land in Colorado is privately owned. Hunters can typically freely take game animals hunted on their own private property or may seek permission from a landowner to hunt on private property.

How close to a house can you hunt in Colorado? ›

Within one-hundred-fifty (150) yards of any dwelling including the air space directly above this closure, without first obtaining permission from the owner, occupant or person in charge of the dwelling. 1. Only waterfowl hunting will be allowed and will be restricted to Saturdays and Wednesdays. 2.

What is the best mule deer unit in Colorado? ›

The Gunnison Basin and Colorado Game Management Unit 55, GMU 54, GMU 551, GMU 67 are some of the most sought after mule deer units in the country. The Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife manage our areas for trophy quality. The Gunnison basin deer herd is managed to produce older age class, mature bucks.

Will Colorado have OTC elk tags in 2024? ›

Last week in the trend of resident vs. non-resident controversy, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission voted to end OTC elk tags for archery hunting in 2025. The number of non-resident archery elk hunters now exceeds the number of resident hunters in Colorado.

What is the easiest state to draw mule deer tags in? ›

Montana has a lot of country and lot of mule deer. Hunters must apply for a general deer tag or a general deer/elk combo tag, but it is pretty much a guaranteed draw. The general tag allows hunters to chase mule deer in units all over the state.

How do I turn my tags back in Colorado? ›

Refund and Preference Point Restoration Process

To be eligible for a refund or restoration of preference points, a license must be turned into a CPW location or postmarked at least 30 days prior to the start of the season (14 days for turkey licenses)​ for which the license is valid.

Does Colorado have OTC bear tags? ›

Elk. OTC either sex, antlerless, or antlered elk licenses are for rifle only. Hunters can purchase an over the counter archery or muzzleloader bear license if they have an elk license for the same method of take and at least one hunting unit overlaps.

How to apply for elk tag in Colorado? ›

Hunters can submit one application per species in each the primary and the secondary draw. Applications can include up to four hunt choices to maximize your opportunity to draw a license and hunt. ​ Hunters can apply by logging into their account at or by phone: 1-800-244-5613.

How do Oregon leftover tags work? ›

If you have a controlled hunt win in a series you are selecting a leftover tag for you will see a pop up after selecting the leftover hunt you want. * If you have purchased a general season tag or a controlled hunt tag you may exchange it for a leftover tag on the second day of the sale July 2nd after 10am PST.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.