Baby For The Alphan Captain (Alien Baby Pact #4) (2024)

Emily Pennington

18.7k reviews317 followers

April 2, 2023

Pei Ling and Zafer's Story . . .

The Faction is comprised of various types of aliens whose population is dying out. So when Earth is threatened by the vicious and bloodthirsty Vorathans, the Faction offered to protect Earth in return for receiving Earth women who will stay with them for one year of proxy rights as a breeder. The women, of course, had no say in this agreement that Earth’s government readily accepted.

Pei Ling Xiang’s family became entangled in this mess when they were grabbed out of their safe bunker by the Earth authorities, her parents thrown in jail and she and Pei Ling given to the Faction Embassy “to carry out her obligations” and “do her civic duty”! She is matched to Zafer Karr, an Alphan Captain, then given materials to study about the Alphan mating process and given an injection to modify her reproductive system to carry an Alphan baby. (Sounds romantic, doesn’t it ladies?) Oh yeah, she will be going into “heat” too! Then the human proctor, who claimed he didn’t have time to teach the terrified young woman who would have many questions, told her to read the written material and prepare herself. (Nice guy.) So being full of fear at what she read, she ran away.

Zafer knew her fate if he could not track her and bring her back – 5 years in prison or worse. He wanted more than the simple arrangement – he wanted her for a lifetime. He understood her discomfort and continued to show kindness to her, building trust. He told her she was not viewed as an “incubator” but was the future mother of his child and respected for that role. And he was sincere. Could he convince her that they could have a good life together and that he loves her? Would she agree to become his mate permanently? Would she ever see her family again?


Karen Nastasio

2,549 reviews15 followers

April 15, 2023

I really loved this book and the whole series and how you would feel if it happened to you I know I would probably run because I wouldn’t be happy about what the government agreed to with the Aliens saved earth for lives of earth’s females as proxy breeders for there dying race. Pei Ling is a human that’s lived in a bunker with her parents and her siblings after Earth was attacked by the Vorathans but now the government has found them and her parents and her brother are captured for treason and her and sister are taken to be tested and they are terrified and when she is matched to an Alphan Captain Zafer Karr and when they talk he is on his way to earth to pick her up and now she is in panic mode and runs for her life. Alpha Captain Zafter Karr lands on Earth to find out his mate has run off and now he must track her down and will stop at nothing to bring her home. After 5 months he finally tracks Pei Ling down and after talking it all through and putting her fears to rest and she goes into heat and it’s the most amazing time for her and it brings them closer together and when her brother calls she sneaks out to see him and Zafter is furious she has run again but this time her can track her and does so but when she runs to him instead of away from him he knows he must help her family because this will make her happy to do so. There is so much going on in this book than in my review but I know you will love this book as well as the whole series.

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Rebecca Grove

3,491 reviews22 followers

April 8, 2023

Pei Ling has lived her life sheltered until a few months ago. Her parents bought them a place in a safe bunker when the aliens invaded and her family lived there for years. Then the government discovered them and broke into the bunk. Pei Ling and her sister along with the other woman of the appropriate age were taken away to be tested to see if they were compatible to be a proxy mate for one of the alien races that help protect Earth. Pei was matched to an Alphan Captain. She was attracted to Zafer but when she learned about the changes she would have to go through to be compatible, she was terrified. She was afraid that being turned into an omegan would change her into something she didn't want to be so she ran and hid.

The Alphan Captain Zafer was happy to have found a compatible mate and claimed her right away. Before he could meet her in person, she ran away but Zafer was determined to find her. He searched for her for 5 months and kidnapped her when he found her. When he learns how scared she was, he reassures her that she is still the same inside. He does his best to be kind and understanding. Then she goes into heat.

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Nina Diab

3,370 reviews36 followers

April 10, 2023

'She blinked, looking on the verge of tears. “I’ve never known loss like that. I’ve been sheltered and privileged my whole life.”
He understood her guilt, and he didn’t want her to feel ashamed of her upbringing. “That doesn’t mean you haven’t faced battles of your own. Everyone’s struggles are different.”'

I was looking forward to this book. After meeting Pei Ling in the last book, I wanted to know what her story was and what became of her after the previous heroine left her. Pei Ling has been sheltered by her family, and then when they were caught and she was brought to the processing center, she was frightened by the changes that would be done to her that no one bothered to take the time to explain to her, and ran away. Zafer was the Alphan she was matched with and spends months searching for her. He very much wants children and has suffered loss in his life. But Pei Ling is still frightened and he tries to comfort her and put her at ease. I really liked him. He was a good guy and I looked forward to their bonding and seeing if she would ever get to see her family again. 4 stars.

Fay J

1,222 reviews10 followers

April 3, 2023

I am loving this series. A little escape where the alien politics are not the main theme of the story.
Pei Ling has had a very sheltered upbringing. She has managed to remain untouched by the atrocities that those who did not have the money to escape endured. It was not her choice however it has left her ignorant of quite a few things. The bunker they were living in was only recently discovered and she was ripped from the life she knew. Now she is supposed to be provide an alien witrh a baby. Again her choice has been taken from her and she is scared. So she runs. Zafer's species is dying out. There are so few of them left and all he wants to do is make his own family. He would love it if his proxy chose to stay with him but he would not force her. Thing is he has to find her first as she ran at the first opportunity. Not the best start for his only chance at a mating.

Becky Matthews

160 reviews1 follower

April 8, 2023

When the planet is attacked by alien, Pei Ling's family moves into a bunker where she, as a child, is mostly cut-off from the world above. Her family remains there after the invasion as the world they once lived in rapidly changes without her knowledge. When they are discovered in the bunker, she's exposed to the culture shock of change that has happened and is thrown into a new world of being temporarily mated to an alien. It's enough to make anyone flee.

Going back into hiding is her only solution, but she knows that various factors mean it will only be temporary. So what new world will she emerge into and how will her family's interests factor in with it?.

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3,849 reviews55 followers

March 26, 2023

Pei Ling (h) and her family hid from Earth authorities to avoid the proxy breeding program but they’re eventually captured and she’s matched to Zafar (H), an Alphan Captain. Scared about what will happen to her, Pei Ling runs and hides away for months but Zafar refuses to give up on finding his proxy. The Vorathan warrior takes her onto his ship and as Pei Ling’s heat approaches she finds herself drawn to Zafar. But just as Zafar thinks that Pe Ling has come to care for him and perhaps agree to be his mate past her year of required service, she again disappears. Hot and steamy alien breeding romantic quickie. Lovely quick in and out alien romance.

    aliens-space arcs owned
March 27, 2023

"In a fit of panic, she’d run from the Embassy."

Pei Ling panicked. In part because she didn't know enough facts. In part because she was flooded with too much information at once. But in her panic, the easiest thing to do was run.

Zafer knew what would happen to Pei Ling if he didn't go after her -- and he could understand why she panicked. But could he ease her fears, calm her down, and convince her to give a different future than she had planned a chance?

This done in one kindle unlimited quick read is about looking past our fears, about learning the truth, facing it and dealing with it. There's an interesting subplot about fairness.

Christina Standridge

736 reviews3 followers

April 2, 2023

I enjoyed the story. Pei LIng and her family were in a bunker when the Vorathans attacked. They hid out for eleven years, until Earth authorities broke in to the bunker. Her parents were sent to prison, her and her sister were signed up for the surrogate program and her brother is trying to help all of them. She got scarred and ran after speaking with Zafer, the alien she was to go to. Zafer has spent five months looking for her. He finds her and takes her to his ship. Will she stay with him? Must read to find out.

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Kristine L.

6,097 reviews55 followers

April 5, 2023

We met Pei Ling in the last book when she moved in with Brighton. What we find out is she's on the run from Zafer who she's been matched with to provide him with a child. Pei Ling got scared after reading the information on and Alphan. Zafer finally tracks her down and after she get's medically altered to have one of his children he takes her to his ship that's been in Earth's atmosphere. They start out rocky but they take their time getting to know each other. The story was short but well paced, blazing steam and a wonderful HEA. Great story. Recommend.

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Leanne Bryson

4,552 reviews22 followers

March 30, 2023

Pei Ling is terrified of the aliens she knows very little about and all she has heard has been negative. So when she is matched to be a surrogate to an Alphan, Zafer, she runs and hits out for months. Zafer takes his time finding her and when he does find her, he slowly gets her use to him, showing her understanding and kindness. Who knew?? Well paced story, sizzle, steam, and a solid read. Great addition to the Alien Baby Pact series.

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102 reviews1 follower

April 1, 2023

This was a quick read told from dual POV. Pei Ling survived Earth’s invasion in a bunker sheltered and safe. When she’s pulled out and told that’s she has been traded as a breeder as part of Earth’s treaty with their saviors she runs. Zafer is the male Pei Ling is partnered with, he wants a partner and a family and he wants this with Pei Ling. The two have a rocky start, then family drama but they find their way. Well done and worth the read.

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1,706 reviews7 followers

April 2, 2023

Rather than be stuck as a proxy to an Alphan alien, Pei Ling decides she will risk it all and go on the run. What will happen when her Alphan alien (Zafer) tracks her down? Will they give each other a chance? I enjoyed this quick romance between an alien and a human, both were likable characters and it was an interesting story.

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Lisa Bing

4,206 reviews47 followers

April 3, 2023

This was an entertaining and well paced story that takes a gal, Pei Ling, and matches her to Zafer, an alien, as his proxy. She has been raised with nothing but bad opinions on aliens and was rather overwhelmed by the sudden shift in her life's path. He well understood why she would be scared and worked hard to show her kindness and patience. They had great chemistry and a fab steamy romance. This was a fun addition to the series :D


428 reviews20 followers

April 3, 2023

In book 4, we catch up with Pei Ling and find out exactly why she was homeless on the street, and if she manages to figure out what to do when the food runs out in the pod. This was a great follow up to the previous books. It gives us a bit of a different perspective for how other families might have dealt with the invasion.

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2,222 reviews5 followers

April 5, 2023

loved it !! love this series !! love Pei Ling and Zafer.. this is their story.. a fast paced shorter story... Pei Ling was safe when the invasion happened...until, the govt. broke in and took them... she will be a breeder.. she runs and hides... Zafer just wants his mate.. he goes looking for her... he must convince her that he's the one for her ... so good !!!.

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Crystal Eastham

138 reviews4 followers

April 14, 2023

Do you know Wells is definitely one of my favorite authors I think she's probably only beat out in My Mind by Grace Goodwin. She is fantastic I love how she's able to just pull a story out and create one in a way that makes you believe that if you looked up in the sky you'd almost see it which I know is a little bit of fantasy but I mean it's hot.

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Nancy R

657 reviews8 followers

March 28, 2023

This charming read continues the Alien Baby Pact Series and we finally get a book on Pei Ling. She was the mysterious roommate in Book 3 and I had so many questions about her. They are answered here. I love that Pei Ling finds love. I like that this series is short and sweet. It’s a great afternoon read by the pool. Download and enjoy❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lizette Novotasky

248 reviews1 follower

March 31, 2023

This is the book fourth of this series of very quick stories and they are kind of standalone but connected together. They are interesting but I don't know how I feel about the premise that the female Heroine go through. There is no cheating, lots of heat and a HEA.

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Athena Diven

763 reviews1 follower

April 5, 2023

I love romances that pit you against loyalty to family and having to choose to open yourself up to the possibility that love can happen if you let it and that maybe hiding wasn't the right decision. Wonderful storytelling as well as character development makes for an entertaining read.

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2,814 reviews

April 6, 2023

Short read. Zafer the patient and determined is looking for his bride. Good characters and the that the Proctor should get school on communication and patience himself scaring the brides like that! Little bit of drama. Steam and nesting it. You know how they do. Good read.

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6,029 reviews69 followers

March 27, 2023

This is a wonderfully sweet and steamy sci-fi romance... I liked it.. It is very entertaining and fun-to-read..

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Melody Hillier

1,150 reviews5 followers

March 30, 2023

This is an amazing Alien romance story with plenty of action, emotion, drama, and steam. With well rounded characters and a great plot that keeps you interested right to the end.

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4,227 reviews

April 1, 2023

We've been introduced to the FMC in the last book and this was her story. Her mate is actually sweet and lovable compared to the grumpy alien before.

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1,688 reviews2 followers

April 1, 2023

That was good. Short, sweet but a little scary too. The story did not explain what the Alphan looked like. I would have liked to know. I received a complimentary review copy of the book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.


5,905 reviews20 followers

April 1, 2023

I have been looking forward to getting to know about Pei Ling, especially with the way she was written in the previous book. She and Zafar have a very sweet story. This is steamy, quick read that is a fantastic one sitting read.

Sandra Singleton

6,609 reviews30 followers

April 2, 2023

Another exchange plot of an alien and human. This is a well-written plot and character in this genre. Can't wait for the next book.

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Juanita E. Arp

4,107 reviews21 followers

April 3, 2023

I enjoyed reading this book, it has a good storyline and the characters are well written. I can't wait to read more from this author. I received this book as a Free ARC copy to read and I voluntarily leave this review.


1,872 reviews4 followers

April 6, 2023

This is a fast paced short read that I enjoyed. It had a great storyline with well written characters that had great chemistry. I loved Zafar and Pei Ling they had a sweet story. It’s a quick steamy read.

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Barbara Dunbar

3,323 reviews31 followers

May 29, 2023

Baby for the Alphan and his mate

Too short to really get an understanding of the ramifications of human females forced to procreate with strangers. Pei ran and got away for a few months but the Alphan found her.

Baby For The Alphan Captain (Alien Baby Pact #4) (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.